shortchanges in a sentence

Use ‘shortchanges’ in a sentence | ‘shortchanges’ example sentences

1- Letter : Budget shortchanges the disabled Assemb.

2- Inadequate computing education shortchanges all kids, but especially girls and youth of color.

3- The first phase shortchanges the body of heart-healthy fiber, fat, and essential vitamins and minerals.

4- GOP ads focused on two, main themes: vouchers for private schools and the claim that Social Security shortchanges Blacks.

5- The administration’s damage control efforts since the rule was finalized in October suggest its discomfort with mounting criticism that the rule shortchanges women and hinders the practice of medicine.

6- THE RAID: REDEMPTION has been compared to video games and zombie movies, but only focusing on the action shortchanges the story.

7- This shortchanges the customer service or sales person quoting the customer because it does not take into account parts orders or manufacturing orders already in process or about to be received.

8- Devoting as much time as it does to its main character and his journey of self-discovery, Man of Steel inevitably shortchanges some of its supporting characters, namely Lois Lane (Amy Adams), who serves mostly as a narrative device rather than a bonafide foil and love interest.

9- Director Antoine Fuqua ( “Shooter”) is plainly dealing with a script that shortchanges all that, and he’s not good enough to overcome it.

10- Steven Toll, partner of the Cohen Milstein lawfirm that has filed the suit, stated that “it is clear that the proposed buy-out is on unfair terms and shortchanges Genentech’s shareholders”.

11- It shortchanges them and cripples the mission of the church, which needs a new generation of selfless servants –- not a new cult of self-worship.

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