shortchange in a sentence

Use ‘shortchange’ in a sentence | ‘shortchange’ example sentences

1- Agency officials cited instances during which suppliers had shortchanged the council.

2- As opposed to the present where routes are shortchanged randomly.

3- You definitely won’t feel shortchanged or misled.

4- Otherwise, we are shortchanging our highest achieving students.

5- No follower should fear that Christ has shortchanged them.

6- All three parties are feeding off each other while shortchanging the electorate.

7- Don’t shortchange yourself… this card flies!

8- The first responder community is still being shortchanged .

9- I think you miss 2 key points , and shortchange another.

10- So maybe I’m shortchanging them on the comedy front.

11- Without political representation, African Americans were shortchanged in the state.

12- I think oftentimes the government gets shortchanged .

13- The public is being shortchanged in this very important area of medical care .

14- This is one commercial release that straddles two cultures without shortchanging either.

15- It is satisfyingly good — and it was shortchanged .

16- Every life is precious , and AIDS programs should not be shortchanged .

17- Teaching inequality: How poor and minority students are shortchanged on teacher quality.

18- In some ways, then, I’ve shortchanged my audience.

19- But when it comes to the story, audiences have been shortchanged .

20- Letter : Budget shortchanges the disabled Assemb.

21- Is a roster filled with talent being shortchanged by Smith ‘s quick trigger?

22- You can’t shortchange your marriage.

23- Also, don’t rush or shortchange the test-run.

24- I told myself that it was stupid and that I was being basically shortchanged .

25- Maintenance doesn’t get any ego-boosting headlines so it’s generally shortchanged .

26- Although charter school per pupil allotments are comparable, some are complaining about getting shortchanged .

27- Inadequate computing education shortchanges all kids, but especially girls and youth of color.

28- I shortchanged myself and my girls of this wonderful blessing and of teaching others.

29- Shortchanging yourself can affect your workout, your weight — even your brainpower.

30- If you donâ€TMt, youâ€TMre probably shortchanging yourself.

31- One caveat is that you don’t shortchange your retirement savings in the process.

32- Suddenly , he feels as if he’s been shortchanged at the Met.

33- But even if you caught La Clique, you won’t feel shortchanged .

34- He also describes, without bitterness, how Jobs shortchanged him on the job.

35- I’m not trying to shortchange Link or the lore Nintendo has in place.

36- At least, I don’t think Santa will shortchange me this year.

37- The first is that our readers may be getting shortchanged on content that interests them.

38- I can’t emphasize this point enough: Don’t shortchange your dog’s comfort.

39- Gee, shortchanging gender equality for perceived racial equality, where have we seen that before!

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