shortcake in a sentence

Use ‘shortcake’ in a sentence | ‘shortcake’ example sentences

1- For some reason strawberry shortcake kept coming to mind.

2- He loves to eat strawberry shortcake and has one brother.

3- Instead, we had strawberry shortcake with whip cream.

4- A word, though, about shortcake .

5- The dessert was shortcake with berries and ice cream on it.

6- From 1980 through 1985, annual specials featuring Strawberry shortcake were produced.

7- Well I put some on a piece of shortcake .

8- She is affectionately called ” shortcake ” by Fonzie.

9- I’ve got a personal attachment to Ms. shortcake .

10- It followed brownies (of course) and strawberry shortcake .

11- This Strawberry shortcake would never, ever roll on the grass.

12- American Greetings has made a new version of Strawberry shortcake .

13- The first Strawberry shortcake videogame was produced in 1983.

14- And they taste very good, like a crumbly lemon shortcake .

15- So I went searching for party-themed Strawberry shortcake coloring pages .

16- I found a shortcake recipe online and based my recipe off of that.

17- My most prized is a tin that has perfectly preserved my strawberry shortcake doll .

18- The make-your-own strawberry shortcake will appeal to the kids in the group.

19- Ms. Nuevo shortcake is targeted to a whole new generation of young girls.

20- The new Stawberry shortcake image does try to replicate a real little girl.

21- For dessert, there will be strawberry shortcake and Chantilly creme.

22- What’s the post-production for Vegan shortcake like?

23- Lightly sweetened biscuits qualify as shortcake , as do scones.

24- Cake, possibly (though I am skeptical), but not shortcake .

25- Will Vegan shortcake continue on or do you have other projects planned?

26- My son went to cooking class and baked a beautiful strawberry shortcake for my birthday.

27- Both Pupcake and Custard now belong to Strawberry shortcake .

28- And, always, sliced peaches for cereal or with shortcake or ice cream.

29- Homemade shortcake , freshly picked strawberries, delicious whipped cream and refreshments will be served.

30- The congregation then indulged in delicious strawberry shortcake , which was served in Irvine Hall.

31- Bowls of fresh strawberries, whipped cream and piles of shortcakes are served by volunteer members.

32- shortcake biscuits can be stored in a plastic container , or wrapped in aluminum foil.

33- Looking forward to making them a little sweeter to use for strawberry shortcakes this summer .

34- Related News Strawberry shortcake is like potato salad: We all have our own version.

35- Download Free Strawberry shortcake Coloring Pages .

36- Then “dress” the shortcakes with the berry sauce and whipped cream and serve right away.

37- The Strawberry shortcake properties also include a toy line of the character’s friends and pets.

38- Note: In the South, the shortcake biscuits in this dish are often served warm. I associate strawberries with shortcake.

39- 780515There is hodgepodge at the harvest and strawberry shortcake in the summer.

40- 脳みそショートケーキ (Noumiso shortcake) is the 2nd album by the Japanese indie and J-rock band つしまみれ ( Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re ).

41- The ponies belong to Strawberry shortcake, Angel Cake, and Crepes Suzette, and are aligned with the Berries to Blossoms doll line.

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