shewing in a sentence

Use ‘shewing’ in a sentence | ‘shewing’ example sentences

1- There are many regulations and proceedings shewing the creeping in of that habit which has become our national reproach.

2- Island as shewing the necessity of giving latitude to the power of the U–S. on this subject.

3- shewing how sea-water may be made fresh and wholsome: and how fresh water may be preserv’d sweet.

4- Map of Valentia, shewing the positions of the various ships and lines of cable connected with the Atlantic Telegraph.

5- Letters from the Rev. Samuel Davies, &c. shewing the state of religion in Virginia, particularly among the negroes.

6- For it is said, “depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Now, on their own shewing , the devil and his angels are not there till the millennium is over; so that it does not mean millennial.

7- Hence the supper is called the New Testament in his blood, and partaking of the feast, a shewing forth his death till he come.

8- He subsequently published several works on the treatment of dogs, as well as the popular Illustrated Horse Doctor and The Horse’s Mouth: shewing the Age by the Teeth which he illustrated himself.

9- Pronouns , in our old Grammar , are said to be parts of Speech much like to Nouns, used in shewing or Rehearsing.

10- While I was walking along, happy within, and pleased with all around, Miss Murray came hastening to meet me; her buoyant step, flushed cheek, and radiant smiles shewing that she, too, was happy, in her own way.

11- A few extracts are given from the records of the Baron Court, rather for the sake of shewing its form and jurisdiction than for any importance of the cases, civil or criminal.

12- Moreover, he gave in to the new luxuries of rich furniture and hangings of silk and tapestry, in which England was then shewing its wealth.

13- And after he was called in, there was a paper read to him, shewing that he had passed from all that he did the first day, and ever since.

14- And then He says: “I will lift up the horn,” shewing the place where He means Christ to be born.

15- A general plan shewing the proposed position of the Lift and contingent works, accompanies this report together with the drawings which have been submitted by the three firms of Mechanical Engineers who have tendered for the machinery and steelwork.

16- Then the lids opened, shewing eyes which were grey, calm, and alive, but still unintelligent and not even curious.

17- Another example where “faith” has this sense can be seen in Titus 2:10, where Paul exhorts servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to be ones who are not purloining, but shewing all good FIDELITY.

18- The report, which was founded on materials supplied by Mr Lockhart, Mr Humphrys Alexander’s solicitor at Edinburgh, bore the following title : ” Case of the honourable the Baronets of Scot- land and Nova Scotia, shewing their rights and privileges, digni- torial and territorial.

19- John Bulwer in his Chirologia of 1644, has this to say about ordinary thumb postures: ‘To hold up the thumbe, is the gesture … of one shewing his assent or approbation.

20- It consisted of a painting on linen, shewing a large tree with four branches intended to represent Austria, Prussia, France and Russia, united at the foot by England, and surrounded by scriptural quotations in Hebrew and English.) Where did the ordinary visitors stay?

21- In July 1883 the Board of Guardians decided to put an advertisement into the Bromyard News ” shewing the Children in the Workhouse ready for service”.

22- She will enjoy the scheme, I am sure; and I do not know a properer person for shewing us how to do away difficulties.

23- A seasonable antidote against popery, shewing the destructive principles and practices of the papists … in a sermon preached at Ware in Hertfordshire.

24- It is believed that from this place Domitian despatched secret emissaries to Cerialis, and tempted his loyalty with the question whether, on his shewing himself, he would hand over to him the command of the army.

25- Still at the consular elections he was present in company with the candidates like an ordinary citizen, and by shewing himself as a spectator in the theatre, as a partisan in the circus, he courted every breath of applause from the lowest rabble.

26- Valens and Caecina were present, and pointed out the various localities of the field of battle; shewing how from one point the columns of the legions had rushed to the attack; how from another the cavalry had charged; how from a third the auxiliary troops had turned the flank of the enemy.

27- In the Upper army, however, the 4th and 13th legions, which were stationed in the same winter-quarters, proceeded on this same first of January to break in pieces the images of Galba, the 4th legion being foremost, the 18th shewing some reluctance, but soon joining with the rest.

28- If, however, I have succeeded in shewing that it is not the rise in the money wages of labour which raises the price of commodities, but that such rise always affects profits, it will follow that the prices of commodities would not rise in consequence of a bounty.

29- Of such a commodity we have no knowledge, but we may hypothetically argue and speak about it, as if we had; and may improve our knowledge of the science, by shewing distinctly the absolute inapplicability of all the standards which have been hitherto adopted.

30- I hope, then, that I have succeeded in shewing , that any tax which shall have the effect of raising wages, will be paid by a diminution of profits, and, therefore, that a tax on wages is in fact a tax on profits.

31- When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them. In 1909, Shaw’s The shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet led to further protests.

32- The razor back obstruction and roads planned to avoid it shewing also Mr. Shone’s central line of railway Map in State Library of NSW.

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