sherd in a sentence

Use ‘sherd’ in a sentence | ‘sherd’ example sentences

1- These sherds were classified into 30 types.

2- Nash recovered twelve thousand sherds from only eight excavated pit houses.

3- A few sherds have shown evidence of fabric impressions.

4- The resulting classifications are based on composition of the sherds .

5- In it was a handful of small sherds .

6- What other reason could explain the concentration of sherds ?

7- Little other than sherds were found in the other mounds.

8- Over a hundred sherds of pottery were recovered from the rampart.

9- Next is the detailed examination and cataloguing of each sherd of pottery.

10- sherd : a broken piece of pottery; a shard.

11- Sometimes a sketch drawing of the sherd is done to show significant features.

12- He spotted pottery sherds and several pieces of wood protruding from the sand.

13- A quantity of burnt brick and several large sherds were found within the hole.

14- In the other huts cooking stones, flint, and sherds were found.

15- In addition, a few Teotihuacan sherds were found in the shaft.

16- A concentration of smashed ceramic sherds was found directly over the tomb’s axis.

17- One of the pottery sherds contained the depiction of a large Roman ship.

18- A Bronze Age ring and a late Bronze Age sherd were excavated nearby.

19- A vast abundance of sherds of blue faience characterizes the Kerma archaeological site.

20- Surrounding the wall was a variety of pottery sherds , particularly Parthian ones.

21- Attic sherds of En-gedi belong mainly to the late fifth and early fourth centuries.

22- Surface collection has found sherds of Grimston ware in the fill of its ditches.

23- Here is an example: There are a lot of pot sherds in one location.

24- As a first step, sherds of known origin from the two centres were analysed.

25- While no intact vessels are present, multiple sherds from a number of vessels were recovered.

26- A bone needle, some animal bones and a few sherds of pottery were found here.

27- Unfortunately, it has not been possible to trace these sherds in the museum collection.

28- This is evidenced by sherds from partially reconstructable vessels scattered throughout the fill of the shaft.

29- The cores of the sherds are typically a range of greys to buffs and creams.

30- In this hearth were seven sherds of pottery (fig. 6 of the report).

31- In total there are about 70,000 pot sherds collected at Oxkintok, and 38 complete vessels.

32- It consisted of thousands of sherds of pottery, which had to be organized and dated.

33- Grinding stones and grains of wheat found among the sherds indicate that it was a granary.

34- Because pottery is so durable, pottery and sherds from pottery survive from millennia at archaeological sites.

35- Group IV Earle reported a wide variety of Late Postclassic ceramic sherds from Group IV.

36- Inside the chamber had been deposited human bone, cremated bone, flint artefacts, and ceramic sherds .

37- They discovered more jade artifacts, which were interpreted as ritual offerings, as well as pottery sherds .

38- Remains of the Folsom people include flaked stone tools, pottery sherds and the bones of bison.

39- Found with Îœycenaean sherds , they can be dated with certainty to the 14th century BC.

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