sharpshooters in a sentence

Use ‘sharpshooters’ in a sentence | ‘sharpshooters’ example sentences

1- Police forces typically deploy such sharpshooters in hostage scenarios.

2- Union sharpshooters discouraged Confederate attempts to burn the bridge.

3- The stat builds for sharpshooters are generally easy to play around with.

4- Jäger sharpshooters found positions where they could pick off the defenders.

5- This little vessel was frequently under fire by concealed sharpshooters and temporary batteries.

6- This is a ZF-41 sharpshooters rifle.

7- Unfortunately, it also provided a ready target for German sharpshooters .

8- Other Domini Funds shareholders may be hunters or sharpshooters .

9- General Eliott formed a corps of sharpshooters .

10- North Carolina and Georgia sharpshooters acted as skirmishers on each flank.

11- The situation was exacerbated by harassment from French sharpshooters who had excellent cover.

12- On january 20, 1944 joined the Brigade of sharpshooters .

13- sharpshooters worked continuously, killing many.

14- This information came from the lawyer for sharpshooters Small Arms Range .

15- They took the name Lovat Scouts sharpshooters .

16- In 1941 they came out with the ZF41 sharpshooters rifle.

17- The British side used specially selected sharpshooters as well, often German mercenaries.

18- As night fell, Mexican sharpshooters were able to wound and kill more Texans.

19- During World War I, snipers appeared as deadly sharpshooters in the trenches.

20- They crossed successfully and spread out in a skirmish line to clear the sharpshooters .

21- Sniper positions were also prepared at high points in the trench works for sharpshooters .

22- With this design he withdrew all of his sharpshooters and infantry from Gettysburg.

23- Hunters can advance to sharpshooters , which are very powerful using guns instead of bows.

24- They attempted to burn it behind them, but Union sharpshooters drove them off.

25- According to some accounts, a small contingent of Indian sharpshooters opposed this crossing.

26- Seizing the moment, one of the sharpshooters shoots Carlos in the chest.

27- Union sharpshooters spotted the movement and joined artillery and naval bombardments in defeating the attack.

28- Daniel Morgan is selected to lead one of two companies of sharpshooters from Virginia.

29- Co. C, Palmetto sharpshooters “.

30- Once across, they marched through Fredericksburg under heavy fire taking many more losses from hidden sharpshooters .

31- Attempts to ford the river, however, were stopped by the fire of Indian sharpshooters .

32- They also fell prey to the Confederate sharpshooters and artillery, and their attack fell apart.

33- They landed a party of sailors and army sharpshooters to reconnoiter Confederate strength in the area.

34- They surrounded the 14-story building, closed off local streets and posted sharpshooters on nearby rooftops.

35- It deployed into line like clockwork, and moved on, supported by clouds of sharpshooters .

36- But then, too, Shepherd’s goal is much different from the Wild West sharpshooters .

37- This was the number one issued sharpshooters rifle of the second world war on the German side.

38- This left only the five sharpshooters to try to overpower a larger and more heavily armed group.

39- The remainder of the line extended to the tree lines and the flanks were guarded by sharpshooters .

40- Thiercelin signalled to the sharpshooters manning the lower windows of the dining-room to hold their fire. Still, for those who fought in uniform, especially sharpshooters, it can be difficult to watch.

41- 265 Squadron maintains the title “Kent & County of London Yeomanry (sharpshooters)” and wears the cap badge of the Royal Signals and shoulder flashes marked ‘KCLY’.

42- Some sharpshooters carried their own forked rests for the rifle, so that a suitable rest was always available.

43- “Bahadur then planned the crime and executed it with the help of sharpshooters Shailesh Pandya and Pachan Shiva.

44- Ferguson was killed by sharpshooters, and the remaining loyalists surrendered.

45- Rifles: Six years with Wellington’s legendary sharpshooters Pub Faber & Faber, 2003.

46- In his military career he was 2nd Lieutenant 3rd County of London (sharpshooters) Yeomanry (12 May 1911), resigning on 21 May 1913.

47- Gepárd M5 is a bolt action rifle for military sharpshooters and weighs only 13 kilograms, while the M4 is a semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle.

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