shamelessness in a sentence

Use ‘shamelessness’ in a sentence | ‘shamelessness’ example sentences

1- The sausage seller wins each contest by outdoing Cleon in shamelessness .

2- He has earned special laurels in the salons where cynicism and shamelessness are marks of distinction.

3- The shamelessness of it all!

4- The modern female has lost all sense of modesty. the shamelessness of many young women is appalling.

5- To go to the Mail itself with this latest shamelessness would have been too brazen and obvious.

6- He presents as truth the same erroneous fantasy about my shamelessness in his memoir Saul Bellow’s Heart.

7- Some smiled, some frowned, and the King’s face darkened at the beggar’s pride and shamelessness .

8- Its theme was the black market in luxury goods and the heroine’s shamelessness in manipulating it to her advantage.

9- Now , says Franzen, he sees it as a function of the most important thing in writing: shamelessness .

10- shamelessness : Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.

11- Even impertinence will not save our essays upon ourselves from being tedious –nor will shamelessness in the flaunting of our vices.

12- The marine animals (Ambr., Aster., Calc-ostr., Murx., and Sep.), and Amphibia (Bufo) end in exhaustion while the Insecta (Apis, Canth.) tend to amorous frenzy or shamelessness .

13- In autumn my father watched for boys who climbed in to steal his apples but was stumped by their shamelessness even when caught red-handed.

14- I read that crap and was impressed by her shamelessness and proud lack of professional integrity or even the desire to maintain the appearance that she cares to do good work as a professional journalist.

15- Careless parents directly or indirectly impart an elementary knowledge of lying, cheating, dishonesty, slandering, revenge, shamelessness and fearlessness for evil and immoral activities to their children during childhood days.

16- Straw’s shamelessness though seems unlikely to even slightly twinge his conscience, even when others would have been deeply troubled by just that thought.

17- Roman sentiment was especially scandalized when the emperor gloried in taking personal part in public competitions which to Roman eyes were fit only for Greeks, or freedmen, as well as the shamelessness of his vices and extravagances.

18- These gentlemen, with a shamelessness that surprised and shocked him greatly, sent the gossip in the small branch of the Rue de Poitiers and escamotèrent his nose and his beard department so ardently coveted.

19- Matthew Paris says that he performed his duties with cunning, shamelessness and violence, and extorted from the northern landowners an ‘incredible’ and ‘stupefying’ amount of money.

20- If it had not been for the shamelessness of it, Wilson felt she might have been sorely tempted to exploit this extraordinary advantage.

21- Cover your shamelessness .” She regained her consciousness, and the Lord taught her that sons, parents and kinsfolk were no shelter, and asked her to discern this truth in order to make clear quickly the way to nibbana.

22- In addition, they announced a “certified” hardware configuration with pricing that far surpassed their previous level of shamelessness in pricing.

23- The official China Daily said in an editorial: “At a time when shamelessness is pervasive, we are often at loss as to who can be trusted … A list like this is at the same time surprising and embarrassing.

24- What’s amazing about this stuff – and believe me, there’s plenty more where this came from – is the unblushing shamelessness with which it advocates this economic insanity.

25- However, according to Atelier Bow Wow, ” shamelessness can become useful”, as these buildings intricately report of the urban condition of the city.

26- Christian writers would often praise Cynic poverty, although they scorned Cynic shamelessness : Augustine stating that they had, “in violation of the modest instincts of men, boastfully proclaimed their unclean and shameless opinion, worthy indeed of dogs.

27- A Cynic practices shamelessness or impudence (Αναιδεια) and defaces the Nomos of society; the laws, customs and social conventions which people take for granted.

28- Nudity is considered shamelessness in the conservative society of India, although nude beaches can be found in Goa and nude saints like those of the Digambara sect of Jainism and Hindu Sadhus are respected and worshipped.

29- He makes it clear that certain emotions (spite, shamelessness , envy) and actions (adultery, theft, murder) are always wrong, regardless of the circumstances (1107a8–12).

30- Sharing her mother’s shamelessness , she can be granted more comic latitude, more ability to enact herself freely, because, though Elizabeth certainly disassociates from her, she does not feel in the presence of this younger sister nearly as contaminated as she does with her mother.

31- piled on: “Comedy has an element of shamelessness, at least he has that going for him.”

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