shambled in a sentence

Use ‘shambled’ in a sentence | ‘shambled’ example sentences

1- Apparently satisfied, he shambled off towards his bed.

2- Cornelius shambled over and sat down noisily.

3- Yorick shambled backwards out of the room.

4- The poet Ampleforth shambled into the cell.

5- The huddled figure shambled alongside the yew hedge towards the wicket gate.

6- With a resentful grunt, Aziz shambled off into the school.

7- Doyle shambled up the path, the little dogs trotting beside him.

8- He shambled to his feet and glared at her balefully.

9- He climbed from the bed and shambled over to the dressing-table mirror.

10- Then he shambled in and sat down on the sofa beside Aunty Nan.

11- Before they could move, someone pushed past them and shambled off down the corridor.

12- He plonked the bottle on the table, and shambled muttering round the corner.

13- The crowd was gone and the grungy, the delinquent and the deranged had shambled back.

14- The prisoners shambled in an untidy mess towards the open space between Hut 3 and Hut 4.

15- I shambled towards the Mimosa.

16- But before we could move the band shambled on, young kids in clothes similar to the audience.

17- Then as fast as her legs would carry her, she shambled down the path towards the gate.

18- The man shambled off into the house, and the rest of us picked our way across the front garden.

19- He kicked it away from the bars, then continued to boot it as it shambled deeper into the hut.

20- Then he smiled across at me, a doleful witness for his own prosecution, and shambled from the room.

21- Elliott got a shoulder under Goldman’s arm, the other round his waist, and they shambled to the car.

22- Maurice took it without a word and, after a moment, shambled off up the path by which they had come.

23- He later recalled how the Blackshirts always marched in perfect order, “in spite of the provocative shouting of obscenities from the mob which shuffled and shambled alongside us”.

24- He’d hung sail from an A-frame improvised of spinnaker poles and shambled into the Falkland Islands, where he replaced his mast and sailed off for what he expected to be an easy 1,000-mile push north to Punta.

25- Nothing; I shambled like an unstrung marionette to my first class, playing a part in a tragedy whose unheroic end was eminently clear.

26- Having been taught, first at an expensive public school and then at Oxford University, to express herself to order, she found the poor creatures who shambled along to 23 Dorman Road every Saturday, Thursday, Monday and Wednesday absolutely no competition at all.

27- Then the old porter I’d seen on my first visit shambled across the hallway, teapot with no lid in one hand and a bottle of milk in the other.

28- Dadda, having scrutinized his previous gift, the chestnut leaf table, for white rings, cigarette burns or dust in the carving, shambled about the room examining the legs of furniture.

29- As she assumed her drunken pose and shambled towards the centre of the stage, she was deafened for a moment by the clapping and the shouting; and different names came to her ears, all meant for her: ‘Good old Lemon!

30- He did not hear what he hoped to hear, so he shambled back to his spot by the door and stretched himself out once more.

31- Fresh greenskins were already forming up for the attack, spear-wielding infantry and archers among them, and towards the rear two huge Trolls shambled slowly through a sea of frolicking Snotlings.

32- The gangling figure of Chichester Clark, the stand-in PM, shambled off into obscurity as 1970 and 1971 saw an escalation of the violence by the Provisional IRA, themselves a reaction to the attempted ‘Loyalist’ pogrom of 1969.

33- He shambled off.

34- It is yet unclear what that means, since the first few games in the Resident Evil series were overhead perspective puzzle quests with zombies and monsters that shambled along or burst from different places like windows.

35- The players shambled silently up the main street to the lock-up – a small, six-sided shed in the middle of the crossroads.

36- Already, at eleven o’clock of this morning, several such as he had shambled forward out of Sixth Avenue, their thin clothes flapping and fluttering in the wind.

37- Dauntless shambled over to the edge of the stream and threw himself face down on the grass, cupping handfuls of water and throwing it over his head, gulping it greedily.

38- Lawrence shrugged and shambled after, feet splayed, arse under, hands in pockets, grinning like a dirty monkey…

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