severer in a sentence

Use ‘severer’ in a sentence | ‘severer’ example sentences

1- In fact, the Daishonin met much severer persecutions than the latter.

2- The far severer sentencing of offenders also increased the need for additional prison capacity.

3- The last is the picture of a day spent in social retirement and elegant relaxation from severer studies.

4- The higher the mysteries that have been received, the severer is the punishment for relapses into sin.

5- Moreover, derogation was found to be higher for those suffering from severer illnesses, except for those presenting with cancer.

6- The test of the senses is severer than that of fancy, and an over-match even for the delusions of our self-love.

7- They consider the other convents worldly, and their motto is, “All or nothing; the world or the cloister.” Each abbess adds a stricter rule, a severer penance than her predecessor, and in this they glory.

8- But the severer task is to destroy the belief of the inebriate with regard to the so-called pleasure of sense in drunkenness, while this is all that will reform him.

9- Existence was to them a theatre of invariable melancholy; every moment was a moment of anguish, yet did they wish to prolong that moment, fearful that the coming period would bring a severer fate.

10- If reverence of the keys restrain’d me not, Which thou in happier time didst hold, I yet severer speech might use.

11- It came on fitfully, but not so violently, several times on Thursday, and began severer threats towards night; but I took between sixty and seventy drops of laudanum, and sopped the Cerberus, just as his mouth began to open.

12- The bishop selected as his assessors for the trial, Longland, bishop of Lincoln, and Gardiner, bishop of Winchester; there were no severer judges to be found on the episcopal bench.

13- But as Judas could be of no more use to him for his purpose, he augmented his distress and despair, persuading him that in order to avoid severer punishments he must end his life.

14- The newspaper asked “why should the law in this species of offence inflict a severer punishment upon a woman, than upon a man”?

15- Abu Ubaida further supported his point by noting that al-Zahiri and his students were actually severer in their opposition to the Mu’tazila and their belief that the Qur’an was created than Ibn Hanbal was, using harsh language in their written responses to such beliefs.

16- This can also explain the severer depletion of neon (see Table), which easily dissolves in helium droplets and is transported in them to the core as well.

17- In Morelia, Michoacán, after the attack in 2008 of an offender group at the ceremony of “el Grito de Independencia”, the government established severer security measures this year.

18- The game of such liberal proprietors, their plantations, their fences, and all that is apt to suffer from intruders, have, I have observed, been better protected than where severer measures of general seclusion were adopted.

19- Yet Locke writes that Shelley told Byron he felt “a far severer anguish” over Imlay’s suicide than over Harriet’s (his wife’s) suicide just two months later.

20- Yet at his deadliest Barnes met a worthy opponent in H. W. Taylor, who played with ease and assurance in each Test match…how possibly could any mortal batsman be subjected to a severer ordeal–Barnes on matting, with wickets falling at the other end all the time?

21- There is evidence that general deterrence can be improved if potential offenders’ perceived likelihood of detection can be increased but little evidence that severer punishments deter any better than more lenient ones.

22- I do not think he was deficient in logical power, but the severer studies did not seem to be congenial to him.” After graduating from Brown in 1821, Howe attended Harvard Medical School, taking his degree in 1824.

23- How much severer punishment shall he be thought worthy who tramples underfoot the blood of the covenant, does despite to the Spirit of grace?

24- Pineda ‘s boneheaded decision might have had much severer consequences on other ballclubs , but due to the Yankees’ solid in-house options to replace him–the recently demoted Bryan Mitchell is another one– it shouldn’t be too big of a hump to get over.

25- I think that er probably from what I hear, is the readier of the two er for a severer test, I think still somewhere short of full match fitness certainly, but er I know that er Mick can scarcely wait to get a hundred per cent, and have him bidding for contention.

26- Believing, therefore, that this most excellent service had been confided to me as a special gift, I proceeded as far as the regions of the East, which, being under the pressure of severer calamities, seemed to demand still more effectual remedies at my hands.

27- We say all–even those that appeared to counsel a return to a severer line of conduct, with the total suspension of public worship throughout the Republic, as in 1926.

28- With less facility for effectual banishment, they inclined to the severer penalties of lash and noose, with corresponding effect. 8 1 In March 1852 the general committee did once more meet to intimidate the emboldened criminals.

29- J. Wayne dissented from the decision, deeming it a severer exclusion of a right of prop, in land secured by treaty than has hitherto been adjudged by this court in any case from Cal.

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