servitors in a sentence

Use ‘servitors’ in a sentence | ‘servitors’ example sentences

1- He is sometimes found surrounded by flute and drum playing servitors .

2- Then cops show up and the remaining servitors run .

3- So did the servitors who remained fully human.

4- As a rule Peter employed equal parts native Russians and foreign servitors .

5- Abstraction was used to simulate environments and co-ordinate servitors and other robots.

6- They are all the most confidential servitors of Sri Krsna.

7- And then about the servitors and what they ‘re like.

8- These Daitas are the hereditary servitors of Jagannath.

9- Erjin ” servitors ” seize control of Szintarre from its effete inhabitants.

10- Eve and her forces had possession of the servitors in ROBIN 88-91.

11- The chieftains were described as “familiars and servitors ” of Colin, Earl of Argyll.

12- Bjortson’s instability had proved too extreme, so the group was informed before servitors distributed their victuals.

13- However, his robot servitors recreate his consciousness in computer form and download it into a robot body.

14- Now they are being embalmed – dutifully and reverentially, as befits faithful but defunct servitors of mankind.

15- A score of Brother witnesses sat on elevated thrones quaffing from other such steins, brought by servitors .

16- He formed mock troops with his friends, the sons of nobles and servitors , and staged mock battles.

17- But there was no sign of the presence of Maal Dweb or his metal servitors and human odalisques.

18- Lands in Fanad were granted principally to servitors (Crown servants including veterans of the Nine Years War).

19- Examples were mounted in tooled silver reliquaries in niches, or displayed in rococo gilt cases which cyborged servitors dusted.

20- Vincenzo and his servitors all die, but Vanguard escaped to Gorias, to get reinforcements for the final battle.

21- servitors of The Hand wear a black cloak and speak in a near mechanical monotone voice somewhat similar to the Vorlons.

22- Harry tries a ” fuego” on them, but while it shoots out, it doesn’t affect the servitors .

23- Failure to earn citizenship after one’s second evaluation regulates an individual to the class of non-citizens referred to as servitors .

24- Would Jobbernole return with a brace of male servitors , throw her into a sack and thereafter into the River Carrow?

25- Human servitude will disappear, for servitors in the form of machines, powered by steam and electricity, will take over.

26- She ‘s a hard teacher, and even after their lesson she sends some Fomor servitors in turtlenecks as a further lesson.

27- It was monstrous that a bird should speak with human speech, should dwell in royal state with servitors to do his will and the pomp and power of a king.

28- He bowed her out glass doors at the end of the library and across a back garden where several generations of servitors had clearly left very little room for any improvements.

29- In a huge hall, the several hundred galactic delegates were being seated at tables by an army of servitors , all moving just a little faster than strict dignity would have preferred.

30- Magicians sometimes find it efficient to create artificial servitors by infusing an artificial body with animating energy, usually using Summoning II and appropriate spheres for the body.

31- He cared little for converse, other than the iron echoing of his metal servitors , who assented always to all that he said, and spared him the tedium of arguments.

32- At any rate, he was troubled when, on this afternoon of earliest April, he returned to the chateau from Vyones, where he had gone on business, and learned from his servitors that Mme. la Comtesse and Olivier du Montoir had left a few minutes previously for a promenade in the forest.

33- Brian (namely, Brian the Freckled) Mac-Ui-Neill-buidhe, namely, the one son of a king that was best in hospitality and in knowledge of every science that was heard of, was slain this year in treachery in Carraic-Ferghusa by ignoble servitors of the Rock itself.

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