serially in a sentence

Use ‘serially’ in a sentence | ‘serially’ example sentences

1- Feed flows serially through the evaporation–condensation stages.

2- It was published serially throughout 1819 and 1820.

3- The regions themselves must be executed serially .

4- Present coordinate concepts simultaneously rather than serially .

5- It is transmitted serially onto the bus.

6- Samples were diluted serially , twofold from right to left.

7- Only the parts of it involved in attention function serially .

8- Women offenders are frequently serially victimised in childhood and into adulthood.

9- First step is 3-piece coordinate motion, remaining steps serially interlocking.

10- Is a five-piece serially interlocking version possible?

11- Chunking and serially organized behavior in pigeons, monkeys and humans.

12- It defines the bit contents of message fields transmitted serially on those networks.

13- Other serially manufactured instruments were made in Kiev and Melnytso-Podilsk.

14- If people want stories serially they ‘ll go to television.

15- The Puzzle Index is an alphabetical index of all serially numbered puzzles.

16- When you listen to a document your brain receives the information serially .

17- Stock solutions of inhibitors were made and serially diluted in the culture media.

18- All these requests are processed serially .

19- Those are all serially precipitating in how easily INDERAL was happening.

20- Packets are transmitted with serially increasing ackID values.

21- Governments have serially failed to do the job at the international level.

22- These directories will be built serially .

23- Like traditional American comics, manga are a sequential artform, published serially .

24- Thus, the failures seem to represent one-month serially uncorrelated pricing discrepancies.

25- DMV Completion Certificates are serially numbered and strictly controlled by DMV.

26- The caves face to the south and are numbered serially from east to west.

27- Patients are serially followed up with radionuclide ventriculography for monitoring their cardiac function.

28- serially processing each item cannot produce a slope of 100 msec per item.

29- Married women are less likely to experience domestic violence than cohabiting and serially dating women.

30- The patient then began to have ocular complaints and ophthalmologic evaluation was performed serially .

31- Crane had numerous stories and poems published serially and wrote his first novel at 21 .

32- It was published serially in “The Cornhill Magazine” from 1864 to 1866.

33- It is almost serially interlocking.

34- Mead serially published translations from the “Corpus Hermeticum” from 1900-05.

35- Most relationships into which Starfleet officers enter are brief, nonmarital, serially monogamous.

36- Our estimator first transforms the model so that the resulting equation errors are serially uncorrelated.

37- Some adjectives can though be serially joined with nouns and some have two plural forms.

38- Smith created several later works, some of which have been serially printed in limited editions.

39- Either lower or higher doses are then injected serially until the weal or the symptoms disappear. On 6-1-22, each component of the 55th Arty received an additional serially numbered company designation.

40- For publishers, new fiction with illustrations published serially was less of a commercial risk than the traditional unillustrated three-volume sets.

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