serialize in a sentence

Use ‘serialize’ in a sentence | ‘serialize’ example sentences

1- They were related to pulp magazine serialized fiction.

2- The show was more serialized than its predecessors.

3- Japan was formally serialized due to the positive fan response.

4- Receive access to the endpoint is serialized .

5- His first stories were serialized in newspapers.

6- Season three takes on a significantly greater serialized format.

7- One page of a longer, serialized story?

8- It was originally released in a serialized form in 1833.

9- Access to the state for changes is serialized .

10- The manga series was first serialized from 1973 to 1983.

11- The emblems were all identical and are not serialized .

12- At most one body parameter can be serialized without wrapper elements.

13- Most of these characters first appeared in serialized novels.

14- Single-Issue – Smaller comics released in serialized form.

15- PLEASE NOTE: Sage blanks are not serialized .

16- Java makes it easy to serialize objects.

17- He serialized Charles Fort’s “Lo!

18- If an object is assigned, it is serialized before being stored.

19- serialized objects abound, which is a happy thing.

20- For variables, specifies that they should not be serialized .

21- XML has been used to describe structured data and to serialize objects.

22- The film was also serialized in King Komiks.

23- Access to state change is serialized .

24- This work appeared first serialized in Young Folks 1881-82.

25- Unlike serialized movies, many game sequels are actually better than the originals.

26- Particularly if they get serialized in the Sunday newspaper.

27- The messages, replies and data that flow between systems are serialized objects.

28- serialized scopes to control concurrent access to variables.

29- My serialization layer already knows how to serialize these models.

30- An operation variously known as dumping, serializing and pickling.

31- A lot of things normally serialized into a Word requirements document).

32- A fourth manga adaptation, , was serialized in Kerokero Ace.

33- It serializes access to a global resource in a high latency environment.

34- This is because the framework does not serialize any data before sending .

35- serialized storytelling can also be seen in other dramas.

36- This is a good way to serialize an object.

37- The state check is serialized and must be in a running state beforehand.

38- The plaques were serialized to indicate “its number” out of 325.

39- Verbs in Yahgan are often compounded (” serialized “).

40- Many of his novels were initially serialized , like those of Dickens. The magazine will occasionally serialize longer fictional works over more than one issue.

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