serenely in a sentence

Use ‘serenely’ in a sentence | ‘serenely’ example sentences

1- It is altogether thoroughly exhausting and serenely rewarding.

2- The cat was lying serenely in the thick green grass.

3- I was serenely independent and content before we met.

4- The local people were friendly, relaxed and seemed serenely happy.

5- The Heather cabin is framed by a serenely beautiful setting.

6- Few who have confronted his writings remain serenely indifferent.

7- serenely quiet, the old Indian chief stepped forth.

8- The wheel sailed serenely on, without him.

9- They work serenely , with inner quiet.

10- He was sleeping serenely unaware of what lies ahead for him.

11- He batted ” serenely ” to top score with an elegant 42.

12- Pamela smiled serenely out through the open door towards the swimming pool.

13- For him to serenely offer her a lift?

14- The boat exits the station and floats serenely through a wrecked village scene.

15- I pray that I may walk more innocently and serenely through nature.

16- Smiled serenely into eyes which saw her.

17- Agnetha drifted serenely out of the kitchen.

18- How much more serenely pleasant it is to live never having done those things.

19- She blew smoke serenely as he flicked it at the wall.

20- The publisher smiled serenely as if this were all so … inevitable.

21- Dr Starkie appears to have been serenely unaware of this enlightening passage.

22- Meanwhile, Atherton batted serenely , and was joined by Thorpe.

23- She smiles serenely and moves on.

24- With preparations for the wedding completed, Frankenstein is serenely happy with Elizabeth.

25- Other racers , more fit racers drove on serenely , and finished the race.

26- She lit up a Woodbine and puffed on it serenely .

27- No image could be more gracefully, serenely , exquisitely lovely than she.

28- They presumed that Jaq was honing his soul serenely in expectation of sacrifice.

29- Since 1997 Luciano Giubbilei has been creating serenely beautiful gardens in locations on three continents.

30- Characters have serenely maintained world-views that crumble on contact with a single troubling opinion.

31- Gilesy, meanwhile, was serenely threading water in this tide of positivity.

32- It achieves the highest plane of spirituality, adopting the lotus position and humming serenely .

33- Pangkor Laut Resort nestles serenely amidst pristine beaches, sweeping bays and ancient rainforest.

34- As against the classical, the serenely beautiful, Nietzsche was opting for the archaic.

35- A long-tailed skua glided serenely overhead and I was entranced by its beauty.

36- When she asks him to stop, he serenely says, “In a minute.

37- Tammuz drew in a shuddering breath and glanced at the computer blinking serenely behind them.

38- Babydoll is shown smiling serenely , having apparently found freedom within her own inner “Paradise”. Hick batted with confidence, but fell to the same combination for 25. Meanwhile, Atherton batted serenely, and was joined by Thorpe.

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