send up in a sentence

Use ‘send up’ in a sentence | ‘send up’ example sentences

1- But it does send up warning signals.

2- Its burning sends up vast cloud s of smoke .

3- Again something that should have sent up warning flags.

4- A collective request, sent up in unison.

5- And this parental interference sends up even more red flags .

6- The bedding had been sent up to Boston.

7- I’ll have some hot bricks sent up .

8- They sent up to bring him back.

9- Whatever they send up will be shot down very quickly.

10- They had a bottle of the best port sent up .

11- I was sent up there to repair them.

12- We send up data about others and their problems.

13- We send up data about ourselves and our problems.

14- Ten minutes later a plane was sent up to reconnoiter.

15- The McFarland case had been sent up for review.

16- This sent up the red flag so I did some checking.

17- If not , that should send up some red flags.

18- Perhaps the only answer is to send up the whole pantomime.

19- I am sending up prayer for all of you.

20- Chinese authorities sent up the police to clear up the situation.

21- The kite can be sent up with a carrier attached.

22- For several days the ruins continued to send up volumes of smoke.

23- The dancers sent up a spray of froth and droplets.

24- We sent up to two reminders at fortnightly intervals.

25- Tell him to send up black coffee and aspirins.

26- They’ll send up bills they know Bush will veto.

27- Fans sent up to 1,000 pieces of mail a day.

28- Never send up front via western union, money gram,bank wire.

29- So that 15 gram CD cost $ 43 to send up there.

30- The 9th Devonshires asked for reinforcements to be sent up .

31- That in itself sent up red flags for a lot of reviewers.

32- A number of performers have sent up the format in various ways.

33- Avoid any language or punctuation that will send up red spam flags.

34- Developers can send up to one million notifications each month for free .

35- A new satellite is sent up .

36- I’ll send up healing thoughts.

37- The “Mikasa” sends up ‘Z’ flag.

38- WELL-KNOWN scenes pinched from other films and sent up something rotten.

39- Horace is also sent up north by Halt to provide back-up.

40- Needless to say, all his mistakes sent up numerous red flags. They are going to send up a rocket.

41- Will you send up a bucket of ice?

42- mcqCould you please send up a chamber maid to clean room 203?.

43- A bulb must produce at least four large, healthy leaves in the summer growing season before it can send up a scape the following year.

44- This program, started in 1973, allows schools to send up groups of students to the camp for a week.

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