secessionists in a sentence

Use ‘secessionists’ in a sentence | ‘secessionists’ example sentences

1- General terror consequently prevails among the secessionists in that vicinity.

2- In 1825, secessionists in the province rebelled.

3- On the one side are democrats, economic reformers and secessionists .

4- The secessionists replied with their own demonstrations and a celebratory ball.

5- To support these secessionists is an existential need for Egypt.

6- That is unlikely to be enough to appease the secessionists .

7- Al-Saqqaf doubted that southern secessionists were behind the shooting .

8- The secessionists slowly drifted back into the AA.

9- Reynolds was an early leader of the secessionists in Missouri.

10- This may be a concern for newbie secessionists .

11- They have suffered decades of militancy at the hands of secessionists .

12- My real question is – have these secessionists given this any real thought?

13- By 1860 Miles was one of the leading secessionists in South Carolina.

14- The committee was made up of 4 secessionists , 10 moderates and 7 unionists.

15- Soldiers were also stationed at the polls to discourage secessionists and their supporters.

16- Radical secessionists were temporarily at bay as the Nashville Convention failed to endorse secession.

17- Early clashes between police officers and secessionists killed 12 people , but were quickly quelled.

18- In Baltimore, secessionists such as Hetty Cary fled arrest by Union troops.

19- Even the secessionists who formed the Confederacy in 1861 believed in the same values.

20- Many secessionists were active politically.

21- Many secessionists were active politically.

22- Abraham Lincoln invoked this power in the American Civil War to imprison Maryland secessionists .

23- At the convention, Bartow stood out as one of the most fervent secessionists .

24- A few months after his promotion, in April 1825, secessionists in Cisplatina rebelled.

25- At the same time, the opposition’s appeal to would-be LDP secessionists is waning.

26- Estimates by Union army officials placed the number of armed secessionists in Missouri at roughly 60,000.

27- The policy report was prosaic and unemotional, but ended with a sharp condemnation of secessionists .

28- Another attempt by the secessionists to join Singapore as a Crown Colony was also unfruitful.

29- Governor Isham Harris dispatched Confederate forces to East Tennessee to protect secessionists in the region.

30- Repeated efforts by secessionists failed to convince the state legislature to secede from the Union failed.

31- Negotiations between Britain and the Irish secessionists led to the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty.

32- The secessionists were those who had split in the 18th century from the established Presbyterian church.

33- It opened with works by the Berlin secessionists , the Impressionists and the Expressionists.

34- Further, the proclamation freed the slaves of any secessionists who took up arms against the government.

35- Edwards, a former Confederate cavalryman, was campaigning to return former secessionists to power in Missouri.

36- Curiously, some bits of another bureaucracy, the Bank of England, are encouraging the secessionists .

37- After word of the Battle of Fort Sumter reached California, there were public demonstrations by secessionists .

38- Romantic evangelicals became fire-eater secessionists .

39- A second attack by secessionists in nearby Kilifi killed one police officer and five attackers , Kimaiyo said. By early 1865, the secessionists were hard-pressed by the Union on several sides.

40- His area of East Tennessee was a Unionist stronghold, but the secessionists dominated the Middle and Western areas.

41- In Jammu-Kashmir, where India was locked in a potentially explosive standoff with Pakistan and local secessionists, state elections fell due in 2002.

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