scrunchy in a sentence

Use ‘scrunchy’ in a sentence | ‘scrunchy’ example sentences

1- I bought my pieces at Chico’s and they call it ” scrunchy “.

2- She just needs to round up every cloth scrunchy she owns and all of her overalls and burn them.

3- scrunchy Munchies are obtained.

4- She flipped through the pages and read off critiques: “I’d really like to take out the 3-D element”; “Does it bother you that I have a hair scrunchy on my wrist for some of the pictures?”; “O.K. ‘Love Story’?

5- BUT I put the hooks on the board and the loops onto the pedals, because I sometimes play in a set up which doesn’t warrant taking the whole board out, and it just feels less ‘ scrunchy ‘ to put pedal with the velvety loops straight onto the floor rather than the stiffer hooks.

6- Manual wh- signs are also accompanied by a non-manual grammatical marking, which includes lowered or ” scrunchy ” eybrows, a slight frown, head and body tilted forwards, slightly rounded lips, and sometimes a sideways head-shake.

7- scrunchy snow underfoot.

8- After you have done this, hold all of your hair into one high ponytail, covering the first ponytail and using the second scrunchy hold it in place.

9- After seeing Chris Armstrong’s first half goal cancelled out by a late Gary Bannister equaliser, Coppell admitted his team missed the creative ability of England forward John Salako, whose rebuilt knee had become ‘ scrunchy ‘.

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