screes in a sentence

Use ‘screes’ in a sentence | ‘screes’ example sentences

1- And over there is Red screes once again.

2- Mostly limestone rocks but also moraines and screes .

3- Open stony screes and rocks are exposed to the jagged ridges and summits.

4- Once grass cover is broken the steep slopes render the screes unstable and they slip.

5- The slaty east side of Atkinson Pike, known as “blue screes “.

6- It culminates in the height of Red screes overlooking the Kirkstone Pass.

7- Southwards from Middle Dodd, and the retrospective view of Red screes .

8- Linear plots should also be used for rock outcrops and screes for your own safety.

9- Rats criss-crossed the water like caterpillars, their tiny screes a mocking reminder of grypesh.

10- Notes : Red screes lays to the east of the Fairfield horseshoe overlooking Kirkstone Pass.

11- Moorland then screes to Mawenzi Tarn Hut, 4330 m, 3-3.5 hrs.

12- Helvellyn Mine or Wythburn Mine opened in 1839 by the gill between Whelpside and Helvellyn screes .

13- Numerous gullies dissect both sides of the gorge and the weathering action of water down its walls creates extended screes .

14- Easy angled screes slopes lead across the Saddle to Kibo Hut, 4700 m, 4.5-5 hrs.

15- In Upper Wharfedale the scars and screes support a range of plants including the Alpine Cinquefoil and Hoary Whitlowgrass.

16- The limestone scenery contains many ridges and screes and in some areas the land is pockmarked with hollows known as shakeholes.

17- From the summit, glaciers, screes , cliffs, afro-alpine moorland, and forests lead down to the cultivated foothills.

18- Section Two: Red screes , Hart Crag, Fairfield, Seat Sandal, Dunmail Raise.

19- Indeed to the modern reader some of his vocabulary seems rather strange such as the word ‘umbrageous’ in his description of the famous Yew Tree, ‘which is tall and beautiful, but not umbrageous like those at Patterdale,’ or ‘shivers’ or ‘screeds’ referring to screes .

20- There could have been dozens of them hanging from the profusion of trees, scrabbling to sides of cliffs and screes or sitting on the amazing rock formations and huge great big boulders the size of houses.

21- Huge cranes and diggers floating backward and forwards on cables, workmen with shovels clearing screes , or fixing new walkways for tourists around the hut.

22- Your snow, my marshes and I think To the music I will sing at your Mass, My ears filling with screes and chirrups From the bird’s golden throats.

23- From a distance I have managed to see something of their spectacular courtship frolics that take place both on the ground and in the air and I have listened to their songs which, though not rich in melody, seem just right for a world of cliffs and screes .

24- K. islandica could have been affected by competition and loss of habitat, as it is confined today to very open, mildly basic wet gravel flushes and, more rarely, fine-grained screes on Skye and Mull.

25- Snow may also lie later in block screes (which also tend to be located below north-facing slopes because they were mostly formed by freeze-thaw action).

26- Late snow beds are rare in the hills, though limited areas may survive on screes in north-facing corries which receive no winter sun and relatively little summer sun.

27- Once again we set out in the pre-dawn walk through the forest, the amble across the alpine pastures, and the short struggle up the screes to the foot of the wall.

28- This easy-angled and wide gully is better if coated with snow, as opposed to loose screes , where it is believed the term ‘three up, two down’ came from.

29- From Middle Dodd I took a pathless track around the northwest shoulder of Red screes , to meet the path from Red screes to the Scandale col.

30- From Middle Dodd I took a pathless track around the northwest shoulder of Red screes, to meet the path from Red screes to the Scandale col.

31- Middle Dodd, 2106 ft. It hardly counts as a separate fell, there being barely six feet of reascent from the col between this top and Red screes .

32- On the second day of the April 2003 holiday I planned a walk that would take in four unclimbed fells on the lateral ridges of the Fairfield group – Red screes and its neighbours Middle Dodd, Little Hart Crag and High Hartsop Dodd.

33- Later envelopes for turbidites (Buller &McManus, 1973a), tills (Buller & McManus, 1973b), screes and pyroclastic (Buller & McManus, 1973c) deposits were added.

34- It also includes the Wastwater screes overlooking Wasdale, the Glaramara ridge overlooking Borrowdale, the three tops of Crinkle Crags , Bowfell and Esk Pike . The core of the area is drained by the infant River Esk.

35- Lowland and upland rocks and scree Includes all natural rock outcrops and screes slopes that you can access easily, such as the base of cliffs.

36- Rock exposures of Silurian mudstones and jointed structural features of basalt are spread at many locations in the form of Basalt cliffs, boulder screes and sedimentary escarpments.

37- He conducted a detailed geomorphological study of the screes and high latitude geocryological ecosystems, of which he described the cyclic and strata organization.

38- As a geomorphologist in the Great North of Greenland, he raised the map of the coast to 1:100 000 (topography, geomorphology of screes and nivation, sea ice).

39- In addition, the country’s diverse geology, numerous exposed rocky crags and screes and deep, damp ravines coupled with a relatively pollution-free atmosphere enables a diversity of species to exist.

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