screenwriters in a sentence

Use ‘screenwriters’ in a sentence | ‘screenwriters’ example sentences

1- They are both screenwriters turned fantasy baseball journalists.

2- Numerous screenwriters allegedly turned down the project.

3- A couple of screenwriters wrote drafts that were rejected.

4- Dr Jolly provides comfort to burgeoning young screenwriters .

5- Some film directors started as screenwriters , film editors or actors.

6- A number of screenwriters offered up ideas that were summarily rejected.

7- There are a variety of guides used by screenwriters .

8- The screenwriters unconsciously knew about it, however.

9- Some screenwriters favor writing unfilmable personality traits.

10- Seven screenwriters worked on the project, and filming was chaotic.

11- The Dallas screenwriters Association makes being lonely a lot more fun.

12- Many up and coming screenwriters work as ghost writers.

13- The screenwriters set the story in contemporary New York.

14- The majority of screenwriters were dismissed and half the production staff sacked.

15- Several of the screenwriters appeared on the show.

16- Sprinkled throughout is his advice for future screenwriters .

17- Writers can also come under the category of screenwriters .

18- Tom Schulman was later added as a screenwriters .

19- Many newspaper journalists moved to California and became studio-employed screenwriters .

20- screenwriters Frost and Don Payne were hired to write the screenplay.

21- The screenwriters depict Lawrence as an egotist.

22- Others, like Miller, became Hollywood screenwriters and directors.

23- Sometimes older crime novels are revived by screenwriters and directors rather than publishing houses.

24- In addition, Jacques Mayol himself was one of the screenwriters .

25- I feel like I ‘ve gotten to know the screenwriters quite well.

26- The book focuses on her top-rated films that involve female screenwriters and directors.

27- I know many novelists and screenwriters with many manuscripts sitting in the proverbial drawer.

28- The two screenwriters who developed Jeremiah Johnson were polar opposites in temperament and sensibility.

29- Various screenwriting software packages are available to help screenwriters adhere to the strict formatting conventions.

30- The second commentary has screenwriters Todd R. Jones and Earl Richey Jones.

31- The more people who hear the work from the screenwriters , the better.

32- We also provide feedback on all scripts to help aspiring screenwriters hone their writing skills.

33- However, a 2002 DVD commentary from the film’s screenwriters confirmed his death.

34- Something analogous to a lot of the more creative, less technical software for screenwriters .

35- screenwriters Betty Comden and Adolph Green contributed lyrics to one new song.

36- YRF launched a number of budding screenwriters and directors under their banner throughout these years.

37- The screenwriters carefully studied the silent, unauthorized version, “Nosferatu” for inspiration.

38- screenwriters Kelly Marcel and Sue Smith treat everyone gently and with the utmost respect.

39- The Wachowskis had been working in Hollywood as screenwriters , but were untested directors.

40- These references to “Moby-Dick” were likely intentional on the part of the screenwriters . screenwriters will get a look inside Hollywood and how the business side of screenwriting is.

41- Sources say MGM is currently meeting with screenwriters, with production set to begin in 2016.

42- Also, screenwriters who contributed to many of the films were Charles Spaak and Jacques Prevert.

43- In February 2002, Dimension Films signed brother screenwriters Jon and Erich Hoeber to write the screenplay for Alice.

44- Faiza documented her experience at Sundance Institute’s RAWI screenwriters Lab in Jordan where she honed her storytelling skills under the guidance of Creative Advisors.

45- Macy picketing during a screenwriters‘ strike, January 2003.

46- In 2009, he was named by Variety magazine as one of “10 screenwriters to Watch”.

47- The LSF arose after its predecessor the International screenwriters‘ Festival went bankrupt.

48- His work in cinema includes The Knack …and How to Get It (1965) Grand Prix Cannes, screenwriters Guild Award.

49- Tedi Sarafian wrote an early draft, and eventually earned a shared “story by” credit with screenwriters John Brancato and Michael Ferris, who wrote the screenplay.

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