screen out in a sentence

Use ‘screen out’ in a sentence | ‘screen out’ example sentences

1- Screening out such variants might erroneously exclude such genes from consideration.

2- These were films screened out in open areas and makeshift tents.

3- More than 36% were screened out for medical reasons.

4- The grand jury served to screen out incompetent or malicious prosecutions.

5- For example, many socially responsible investors screen out tobacco company investments.

6- Some use commercial software that aims to screen out inappropriate websites.

7- How do you screen out the noise?

8- Sunglasses should screen out 75-90% of visible light.

9- The grids are used for screening out the inelastically scattered electrons.

10- Lo-LIGHT lamps screen out the hazardous wavelengths of blue visible light.

11- They are mainly trying to screen out spammers and advertisers!

12- Staff members ordered more tests to screen out look-alike diseases.

13- Buy British Lung Foundation cycle masks designed to screen out pollutants.

14- Choose a location where your can screen out extraneous noises.

15- Would the new, harder test screen out folks like her?

16- Other non-important information was not attended to and thus screened out .

17- Within this process, 80% of the application are screened out .

18- There are hundreds of millions of PCT screens out there.

19- Who wants to wait forever to screen out prying eyes, right?

20- Hum can not be screened out by conductive shielding.

21- The exhibit case was equipped with a filter to screen out damaging light.

22- Then he says, Pa, you got some screen out .

23- Interactions with non-biological contacts are normally screened out by default.

24- Suddenly he grabs the kids and pushes the screen out the window.

25- In a healthy state, the gut absorbs nutrients and screens out toxins.

26- Most blinds other than a roller blind will screen out too much light.

27- Qualification allows CGC top screen out mushroom companies or fly-by-night firms.

28- Very poor sections of communities are normally screened out of the property tax system.

29- So while we can’t screen out 100%, we are getting better.

30- At second interviews, unsuitable applicants should have been screened out by this stage.

31- Four other machines screen out diseased or damaged kernels after shells have been removed.

32- The film was screened out of competition at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival.

33- Cecelia cut that there screen out .

34- They said they follow industry guidelines to screen out bad questions and conduct multiple reviews .

35- From the intro screen out it was artistically stunning, both visually and aurally.

36- Anakin screened out his rapidly growing appetite and opened his mind to careful observation.

37- It was also screened out of competition at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival.

38- Which means they can’t screen out guys like Bill Wisth in advance.

39- Lots of high-res screens out there.

40- Firewalls help protect you against such attacks by screening out many types of malicious traffic. My first task was to screen out unqualified applicants.

41- Thus, for example, many new products will emerge from irrational processes and the rational development process may be used (if at all) to screen out the worst non-runners.

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