screen of in a sentence

Use ‘screen of’ in a sentence | ‘screen of’ example sentences

1- Screening of the picture drew mixed reactions.

2- A fire screen of embroidered blue roses stood there.

3- A large 50 m2 LCD screen of high definition. You’d better wipe off the screen of the computer, it’s getting all dusty.

4- Someone told me that the rays coming off the screen of your computer can be dangerous for your health.

5- 2. Check the digital screen of the power meter to see if the scrolling bar is still animated.

6- 338233I kept seeing pictures on the screen of larger and larger crowds of people,”” Gable said.”

7- The dynamic home screen of the watch and the Digital Crown are unique and speak of Apple innovation.

8- A screen of Corinthian columns flanks the arch.

9- Chris is so angry, he kicks in the screen of the new TV.

10- Summary Source: Title screen of Cotton by Sega/Success made by myself using the MAME32 emulator at 15:19 on November 29, 2007.

11- Alfonso in turn set up a defensive screen of patrols to hold them off and there were regular, costly skirmishes on the river and in the hills to the south.

12- Image seen though the finder The focusing screen of the Canon EF cannot be replaced by the user.

13- The Alabama next returned briefly to Majuro, before she steamed out on 13 April with Task Force 58, this time in the screen of the carrier Enterprise.

14- A screen of all gene knockouts in yeast found that many act as phenotypic stabilizers.

15- In mid-March, she returned to Hawaii in the screen of a convoy and, by the end of the month, had escorted more supplies to Canton.

16- Rinchik et al. performed a sensitized screen of mouse mutants predisposed to Diabetic nephropathy.

17- 1944 Stephen Potter was in the screen of the fast carriers when they made the first strike against Truk on 17 and 18 February 1944.

18- 1945 The 12 escort carriers of TG 77.2 and 77.4, and their screen of 19 destroyers, including Bagley, sortied from Kossol Roads on 1 January 1945.

19- P. Schuyler Miller reviewed the novel favorably, saying “in true Heinlein manner the basic theme of the book smashes the screen of action only in the closing pages.

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