screen for in a sentence

Use ‘screen for’ in a sentence | ‘screen for’ example sentences

1- The lab where blood is screened for transfusion transmitted infections.

2- All casino employees should be screened for past criminal connections.

3- All groups were screened for ideology and vote history.

4- There is one such screen for each proposed table.

5- The burning tires were set to provide smoke screen for protesters.

6- Several tests are available to screen for colorectal cancer.

7- Neither film was screened for critics prior to theatrical release.

8- Researchers are assessing different ways to screen for ovarian cancer.

9- When is best to screen for bowel cancer ?

10- Each applicant is screened for their needs.

11- The ethical breeder has systematically screened for these problems.

12- I then pressed without the screen for 10 minutes.

13- The school already screens for it in applications.

14- Percent of people screened for hearing loss during physical exams.

15- He has graced our television screen for over five decades.

16- Added various screenshots, including screens for all secrets.

17- Have your dog screened for dog parasites twice per year.

18- Sections from the pancreatic tail were screened for such lesions.

19- There is no standard to screen for wisdom teeth.

20- The original film was also screened for its 50th anniversary.

21- The film was not screened for critics in advance.

22- Screening for mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review.

23- Screening for kidney disease in adults with diabetes.

24- By plotting weight gain, staff can screen for potential problems. We just bought a movable paper screen for our office in order to divide the room in two.

25- The screen for the IMAX films is huge, maybe ten times bigger than in a normal movie theater.

26- China has only one movie screen for every 122,000 people, compared with one per 8,600 in the United States.

27- The duo built a smartphone app designed to help users screen for anaemia.

28- People like me have been calling for diversity on stage and screen for years.

29- You can screen for such funds if you wish using Morningstar’s Basic Fund Screener.

30- Summary Gameplay screen for the ZX Spectrum game Tranz Am Licensing Fair use *Ultimate/Rare has not released any screenshots to the public domain.

31- The globe was on the center of the screen for the closing sequences.

32- He appeared on screen for 15 seconds while he is checking a license plate.

33- The promising star’s TV roles opened the doors of the big silver screen for her.

34- There are a few seats in the South-West Corner, as and a big screen for the 2009-10 season.

35- In 1912 he appeared on screen for the first time in the short film Asesinato y entierro de Don José Canalejas.

36- Gone from the screen for two years, Grant next reteamed with Paul Weitz (About a Boy) for the black comedy American Dreamz (2006).

37- When Dunning later edited his own footage, he made sure that these men were not on screen for long so that audiences would not be upset.

38- The home screen for HyperCourseware which acts as a navigational hub to access various modules for materials, interactions, and products.

39- This is because your eye will be distracted by everything going on, and won’t have the image on screen for enough time to see the heavier compression.

40- In 1927-39, the school became two-grade and built a screen for the help of legatee Alexandros Ioannidis (1866-1919) where he built a house and lived in Sarpi as a of the school.

41- Roache said, “We have been together on screen for pretty much 30 years now and so much of what we do on camera is instinctive.

42- De Funès’ appeared on screen for 40 seconds in the role of the porter of the cabaret Le Paradis.

43- In Funny Face, Parker was on screen for two minutes in a musical number described, “Pink Number”.

44- A Genome-Scale RNAi screen for Oct4 Modulators Defines a Role of the Paf1 Complex for Embryonic Stem Cell Identity.

45- The genie only stays on screen for a moment, but can be indirectly controlled to attack enemies with powerful blows.

46- Screen couple Utt and Linda Liao reprise their roles as Gabriel and Ellie in Chase to reunite on the small screen for After Hours.

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