screen calls in a sentence

Use ‘screen calls’ in a sentence | ‘screen calls’ example sentences

1- Call number ID scrolls the front panel so you can screen calls .

2- Screens calls when Limbaugh broadcasts from New York City, among other things.

3- Operators ‘ own services Your call provider may offer a paid-for service to help you screen calls .

4- The APS agency screens calls for potential seriousness, and it keeps the information it receives confidential.

5- It’s also not a good idea to screen calls and not reply to texts, only answering some.

6- screen calls – if you have caller display and an answer phone, consider only answering calls from numbers you recognise.

7- You can screen calls , listen in before answering, record calls, read transcripts of your voicemails, and do free conference calls.

8- You must be a Hoolywood producer because I’ve always noticed any movie on the big screen calls the book of Revelation, Revelations!

9- Like “Anti-Radio”, Trenton also owned this show, but KMPC required him to utilize one of their employees to screen calls and monitor for inappropriate content.

10- Music researchers, worked just a few yards from the jocks and had the responsibility of doing everything from pulling music to answering and screening calls for the jocks, to compiling music data that would later be published on weekly music survey’s.

11- People also have the ability to screen calls , and participants who answer a cell phone in the middle of the workday may be less likely to answer a long survey.

12- Lawyers Web Property Shop ships law signs to sellers with price, ID number and a toll-free number connected to voicemail, which allows sellers to screen calls and set up showings.

13- The Kombo version is based on version 3.0 (the test screen calls it 3.1 Turbo)

14- CLI can be used to screen calls by comparing the dialling number with a table of allowed numbers thereby preventing unwanted calls and giving a little extra security along with CHAP/PAP.

15- Answering telephones, screening calls and taking messages for members of the HRIS team and various members of the Human Resources department; communicating and directing employees and managers to the appropriate Human Resources personnel to handle specific questions or employee issues

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