screechy in a sentence

Use ‘screechy’ in a sentence | ‘screechy’ example sentences

1- Many sound effects are thin or screechy .

2- I ain’t got a screechy voice at all.

3- Her own fans even considered her high-pitched voice screechy .

4- They might just be filtered through Giacchino ‘s screechy violins.

5- Cowell found it screechy and annoying.

6- Tinny, screechy , sometimes with notes and fast playing becoming an indistinguishable mess.

7- It got rid of any harsh, screechy highs typical of my computer’s headphone jack.

8- The old beggar woman’s screechy voice and outlandish appearance made a terrible impression on me.

9- As part of his emotional and sensitive character, Steve is combined with a screechy wail.

10- It is fresh and breezy, but it does not have tiresome or screechy synthetic notes.

11- However, an individual who cannot see the pounds go and reach the screechy rubicon.

12- The musical score and many sound effects (during the car chase in particular) are shrill and screechy .

13- He blows the flute next to Pinga’s ear, making a loud screechy sound, and she runs away.

14- That goes for the good-timey title track; new Eagle Tim Schmit’s screechy , mushy “I Can’t Tell You Why”; and Joe Walsh’s slickly grooving rocker “In The City” – which are merely the first three songs.

15- There were still two and a half months to go until he needed to know what all the screechy wailing meant, after all.

16- It was hollow and completely empty – but the moment Harry opened it, the most horrible noise, a loud and screechy wailing, filled the room.

17- Vocalist Travis Ryan has a broad range, from grunts and growls to a kind of screechy singing that is both melodic as well as clearly deranged, like a child’s voice twisted beyond recognition.

18- The screechy sax blasts that slap you in the temple in every song never get rote, always kind of shocking in their instant insanity, and like a pickpocket, know how to get in and get out, leaving you to notice their effect a few seconds later.

19- I like Marc Rudov a TV commentator in USA, he always gets the better of all the feminists, who always end up screechy .

20- A lot of my fans at first were like, “Oh, I don’t know if I like that tone of your voice, and you’re hitting notes that I’m not used to, and it sounds a little screechy ,” but as a vocalist, for me that was such an experience, because I tapped into things I didn’t know I could do.

21- He describes how CiriviÈ™ acted out sadness for the plight of a screechy sledge (declaring “my heart is at one with all things in existence”), but then duped onlookers into believing that the squeaks came from a woman somehow trapped under the vehicle.

22- Stafford states, “Dawn has come a long way from the annoying adolescent she was in season five, and the screechy , difficult teen she was in season six (‘get out, Get Out, GET OUT!

23- As she later claimed, she was initially having trouble hearing herself over the public-address system, so she was singing as loudly as possible, and her rendition of the song sounded ” screechy “.

24- Although some felt that the demo with Anna’s voice was “high pitched” and ” screechy “, the song received decent airtime in St. Louis.

25- The singing is full of strident, screechy voices, and one need never worry about being out of tune in Madeiran folk singing.

26- The movie received unfavorable reviews, The “Seattle Post-Intelligencer” wrote: “Pfeiffer, apparently stymied by the bland clichés that prop up her screechy role, delivers her flattest, phoniest performance ever”.

27- The comedienne belted out a screechy rendition of the song, and afterward she attempted a gesture of ball players by spitting and grabbing her crotch as if adjusting a protective cup.

28- The bridge pickup provides a healthy kick, the neck pickup is a little less screechy and the middle position is quite well-mannered.

29- Not sure why Carrie Ann (who was back to being a screechy , petty shrew last night) chose to direct her ire at Charlie & James – I thought they did a pretty damn good job of staying in synch, and that NeNe was the real problem, as she seemed to space quite a bit of her choreography.

30- No matter what side of the argument you fall, I think we can all agree that this was just shrill and screechy and pandering.

31- He was at all the T-ball games and all the screechy , horrible orchestra concerts and all the klutzy ballet recitals,” Calhamer-Boling added.

32- Those slim , round-necked coats were top-of-the-range, state of the art pinnacles of the furrier’s craft and the colours were hyper real (sunset orange, forest green) rather than screechy or sickly.

33- When she becomes the transformed witch …she’s hateful and screechy in the most irritating way possible (and wears a cleavage exposing outfit!

34- Bend To Transcend is a powerfully constructed album – The riffs are thunderous and heavy with crashing cymbals and snapping snares thrashing out behind the screechy whiny guitars .

35- Because otherwise, I don’t understand how Creed could put their name to such a nasty, screechy scent, or how IFRA could allow it.

36- Innovative, discordant, and wonderfully screechy , the brash music of Herrmann enhances suspense, accentuates the violence, and creates a wonderfully eerie feeling of foreboding that sustains itself throughout the film.

37- With four screechy , tightly harmonizing vocalists and a solid musical grounding in country-western, Poco was always distinctive, tightly rehearsed, and professional. He had an unpleasant screechy voice.

38- A long, slow blues, delivered fairly straight aside for some screechy interludes.

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