screeched in a sentence

Use ‘screeched’ in a sentence | ‘screeched’ example sentences

1- The van screeched round a bend at speed.

2- Bruce Willis screeched to a halt right outside.

3- The wind screeched like a herd of pigs at slaughter.

4- The brakes of a bus screeched and Lee jumped.

5- A few minutes later a police jeep screeched to a halt outside.

6- Let me go!” she screeched .

7- A high-pitched whistle screeched along the line.

8- He screeched , and she let him go.

9- The wheel rim screeched against the stone but Dougal ignored it.

10- The lights changed and the cars grudgingly screeched to a halt.

11- A circular saw screeched and the smell of fresh sawdust was everywhere.

12- Bodie’s car screeched through the London streets.

13- The Harris’s gripped like a vice and screeched with delight.

14- Peter thimbled her, and almost immediately she screeched .

15- The van screeched and then veered into the wall .

16- Julie screeched out another silly comment, and we laughed even more.

17- The team’s progress under Davis screeched to a halt in 2003.

18- The other creatures screeched nervously, but they weren’t running away.

19- Semitrailers screeched their brakes, halting on Seventh Street.

20- The car driver had sounded his horn as he screeched to a halt.

21- Swifts screeched , soared and swept after midges.

22- That’s what you are,’ the old man screeched now.

23- The pain was unbearable and she screeched in the voice of the forest.

24- The car screeched away and Louise watched its tail lights disappear into the distance.

25- As they screeched off down the road again, Ronni felt duly chastened.

26- Shouldn’t?’ she screeched .

27- They screeched to a halt outside The Junction Chip Shop in Rainworth.

28- I sighed, sobbed, and groaned, and sometimes screeched and screamed.

29- It screeched incoherently back at him.

30- See?’ screeched the homunculus.

31- Rats, the size of small dogs, screeched in the nearby brush before appearing.

32- About 5 minutes later squad cars screeched into the parking lot with the blue lights blazing.

33- He looked straight at me and screeched , “Run before it’s too late.

34- At 0600 on 03 September, Typhoon Jane screeched in from the east.

35- They both screeched with delight.

36- Barcelona screeched round , swift to every ball, passing with as much pace as precision.

37- After a few minutes the Carabinieri vehicle revved up and screeched off down the road.

38- A gull screeched overhead breaking the dreamy silence, and Julie’s eyes flicked open.

39- Topknot screeched something back at Gurder.

40- Women’s voices, men’s voices, children’s voices screeched out curses and threats. The bike screeched to a stop.

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