scree in a sentence

Use ‘scree’ in a sentence | ‘scree’ example sentences

1- T wo hours later the scree turns into boulders.

2- Apparently this slope is onerous scree in later summer.

3- She had already started down the scree of debris in pursuit.

4- The last 800 feet up the scree was slow and tiring.

5- Also an area or slope covered in scree .

6- The scree plot graphs the eigenvalue against the factor number.

7- The ground in the zone is covered with scree and boulders.

8- The first section is up scree , and across glaciers.

9- scree is rubble at the bottom of a cliff.

10- scree deposits are common toward the bottom of many mountains and cliffs.

11- This lower quality food is commonly referred to as ” scree “.

12- In places scree partially overlies these deposits.

13- The scree test was invented by a fellow named Cattell.

14- That includes scree fields, scambles, the whole bit.

15- Where the cliff and plain meet, there is this scree .

16- scree the sand using a straight board (see picture).

17- The scree plot suggests a maximum of four factors in this example.

18- I am stopped by an unstable-looking scree slope.

19- Mostly limestone rocks but also moraines and screes .

20- This is an impressive sounding but rather nasty and very steep scree slope.

21- You will be climbing up scree for approximately 4-5 hours.

22- The scree is the rubble at the bottom of a clif.

23- At the foot of the massif is a zone of scree .

24- She couldn’t see to the bottom of the scree slope.

25- On the next scree you’ll see Toshiba warning about data deletion.

26- We made our way back around the ridge to the scree slope.

27- Inspection of the scree plot found five rather than the expected two factors.

28- The way I climbed Golden Horn was diagonally going across the scree field.

29- scree is a term from geology.

30- Open stony screes and rocks are exposed to the jagged ridges and summits.

31- scree (Andreas Katsulas), the secondary playable character.

32- scree is distinguished from Talus by its smaller size and looser configuration.

33- The rest of the ascent is over scree slopes of boulders and loose rock.

34- Once grass cover is broken the steep slopes render the screes unstable and they slip.

35- scree test . The scree test was developed by a guy named Cattell.

36- scree test . The scree test was developed by a guy named Cattell.

37- The dramatic scree slopes falling southwards to Gasgale Gill are well seen from here.

38- The slaty east side of Atkinson Pike, known as “blue screes “.

39- Coffee rock, laterite scree and gravel with a smidge of sand!!!.

40- A graphical method is the scree test first proposed by Cattell (1966). The good isolation through the basalt scree ensures that the layer of ice, which can reach up to eight metres in depth in the ground, never quite thaws even in summer.

41- Indeed Wainwright describes Rest Dodd as “A fell of little interest although the east flank falls spectacularly in fans of colourful scree”.

42- Traverse to the left up along the rock ribs back through large trees up to a prominent scree slope with a great sitting-on rock near its base.

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