scream for in a sentence

Use ‘scream for’ in a sentence | ‘scream for’ example sentences

1- The audience had gone wild and was screaming for more.

2- The hairy ape is screaming for its dear life.

3- The marketplace is screaming for more efficiency and lower legal fees.

4- The damage caused by stress screams for nutritional support!

5- An example is a child screaming for attention.

6- Syrian victims are screaming for your help .

7- The fish had the light tackle screaming for mercy.

8- Every ragged nerve throughout his body screamed for release.

9- We all scream for fun, practical turning projects!

10- He was screaming for his mother by nightfall.

11- He grabbed it and screamed for help.

12- This was the issue that screamed for investigation.

13- Feng screams for help from his father.

14- I heard them screaming for help nearly every night’.

15- Students were crying, they were screaming for ambulances. We were walking home late at night when suddenly we heard a woman scream for help.

16- I was too scared to move my hands, to push his weight off me, to scream for help.

17- “/”The Birds-Eye Boys” * X-ray fish * Umbrella bird “I scream for Ice Cream!

18- Layne’s wife’s car stops as her doors and windows are frosted over, the children hear the alluring tune of “We all scream for ice-cream..

More Sentences:
Related Words:
scream loudlyscream in agonyscream hystericallyscream wildlyscream with laughterscream in painscream blue murderscream forscream atkicking and screamingscream outscream inscreamedscreamerscreamers

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