scream blue murder in a sentence

Use ‘scream blue murder’ in a sentence | ‘scream blue murder’ example sentences

1- Alexandrian astronomers must been screaming blue murder at their Roman colleagues the entire time.

2- So, yes… it is time to stand up and scream blue murder !

3- She was ready to scream blue murder when the flap landed on her tender slit.

4- His bus turned into an Inter-City express without brakes and he sat on top and screamed blue murder .

5- If it were reversed – with the Tories in permanent control , they would be screaming blue murder .

6- Troubleshooting gets more difficult, teams point fingers at eachother, and the whole time the business is screaming blue murder .

7- If they believed that McLaren were gaining by this they would be screaming blue murder and doing their usual injured victim routine.

8- It might get into the papers, and then she’d be down here knocking on my door and screaming blue murder .

9- But when it comes to capping bankers ‘ bonuses, the Tories and their Lib Dem sidekicks have been screaming blue murder .

10- JohnH : Didn’t Gough Whitlam want to do that, and didn’t the conservatives of the time scream blue murder ?

11- Many who today cite these land reforms as the reason why Mugabe should go would be screaming blue murder if the disparities were closer to their cultural homes.

12- Jenny Shipley’s government toyed with holding parents accountable for their failures, then gave up when Labour screamed blue murder and teamed up with a growing army of welfare providers.

13- Child is raped in Mexico – scream blue murder whilst you still buy cheap produce grown by the child’s parents, which is why the child was alone and left at risk.. they had to go out to work and couldn’t afford child care on less than subsistence wages.

14- She could scream blue murder , but half an hour later would be the life of a dinner party, for she was very vain and never missed a chance to show herself off.

15- Pat was a big man and grabbed Sean and bundled him over the couch and into the laps of Mrs Kelly and Mrs Quinn who screamed blue murder .

16- So yes, if it’s a reflection of the football team you’re after them expect to see a magazine that is regularly underperforming, occasionally brilliant but mostly moody, surly and nonchalant while the rest of the world is screaming blue murder .

17- In fact, she didn’t just feel like groaning – the frustration and worry she felt at the moment were enough to make her want to scream blue murder !

18- Glancing at those muscular knees, ruddy beneath the hem of his pleated tunic, she made up her mind that if he ever attempted to spank her again she would scream blue murder .

19- Then the drongo screams blue murder and, as the terrified animal runs for cover, swoops in and nabs the abandoned meal.

20- Others will scream blue murder and try to cling to what they know, it’s natural human instinct to try and protect the time you’ve already put in.

21- As people approach the remote-controlled buggy to check that the child inside is alright , the possessed robotic baby shocks them by sitting up suddenly and screaming blue murder .

22- Whether it’s one of the top clubs like Liverpool or Leeds or a lesser side like Accrington Stanley or Man United, there’s nothing like cheering on your team and screaming blue murder at the ‘blind’ ref.

23- This won’t stop the tabloids from screaming blue murder every time the figures go the wrong way, and it won’t stop them resorting to the tawdry tactics of reaching for comment from the highly unrepresentative victims of crime which they always do , but they quite clearly need to be depoliticised.

24- Screaming blue murder .

25- ” Screaming Blue Murder ” (1982)

26- ” Screaming Blue Murder ” featured some fantastic guitar work from Chambers, a definite crowd pleaser.

27- If I was Peter Reid, I would be screaming blue murder to get this player.’

28- p.5: “Blue Murder” – from the phrase ” screaming blue murder “; it’s a very common mystery story title

29- Then she started swinging her round and round her head, faster and faster and Amanda was screaming blue murder and the Trunchbull was yelling, ‘I’ll give you pigtails, you little rat!’

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