scrawny in a sentence

Use ‘scrawny’ in a sentence | ‘scrawny’ example sentences

1- A tall scrawny man with deeply sunken cheeks is talking.

2- Levin is physically scrawny and wears thick glasses.

3- He already has a new scrawny pink arm.

4- I was the thin, scrawny little guy.

5- They remember it was scrawny and ran up high doctor bills.

6- The guinea pig was ok, if a bit scrawny .

7- Mildred felt a wave of tenderness towards the scrawny creature.

8- Then she put her arm round the scrawny shoulder.

9- She was a scrawny flabby woman who had once been stout.

10- He is scrawny , clumsy, and lame on both legs.

11- In one way he was just a scrawny little kid.

12- Unlike Hiccup rather than scrawny he is really overweight.

13- Not one of those scrawny shrubs we’ve been seeing here lately.

14- The mayor gave the scrawny cow the best stall in his barn .

15- Mufflers were wrapped about scrawny necks, coats were buttoned tightly.

16- They are delicate, lanky and scrawny .

17- Only the sullen, scrawny Frances was delighted.

18- My, my, my, those birds look scrawny indeed!

19- Look for a book called ” scrawny to Brawny”.

20- Who owns these scrawny little feet?

21- You are scrawny , at -1 to your Size.

22- The scrawny swarthy-skinned kid in the mirror blinked back at him.

23- I held her hand as the death rattle grew in her scrawny throat.

24- I envision her scrawny ass enveloped beneath a sprawling mound o’ lecher.

25- However, you are scrawny (-1 to Size).

26- Although she was scrawny , she still managed to have a double chin.

27- Aldo Valletti as The President; scrawny , weak and crude.

28- Chad Michaels had some Chinese crusted thing with thinning hair and scrawny legs.

29- They were all tattered and scrawny and could barely shoot their weapons straight.

30- He lurched against her, flinging both his arms round her scrawny neck.

31- First, a quick one: Gandhi was not a scrawny little man.

32- That nerd is a scrawny wimp.

33- Abdul Rafi’s voice emerges from his scrawny body as a croak.

34- But then Lady Usk dropped the glass and held out a scrawny hand.

35- Old scrawny Indian chiefs will turn out to be tough rubbery and tasteless .

36- After them, seven other cows came up – scrawny and very ugly and lean.

37- He is forty-five, a scrawny and weak man, “with a nasty mouth.

38- Buzz is larger and has blue eyes, while Scuzz is scrawnier and has red eyes.

39- Sand, rocks, hills, dunes, the occasional scrawny cactus or dried bush.

40- What little grows here seems perfectly at home – tough, hard cactus, scrawny trees. The legs of Terence Longdon were deemed to be too thin and scrawny looking, so Bresslaw’s were used as stand-ins for the scene where Joan Sims gives him a bath.

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