scrawnier in a sentence

Use ‘scrawnier’ in a sentence | ‘scrawnier’ example sentences

1- Buzz is larger and has blue eyes, while Scuzz is scrawnier and has red eyes.

2- The drawings are pretty uncomfortable; “I tried to make them look a little chubbier or scrawnier or just not particularly well-endowed,” says Gensler.

3- They will be scrawnier , appearing with weak stems and may even require you to tie them to a growing post to remain upright, but they will supply more resin if looked after correctly.

4- In the precursory pilot, Steve was also gawkier, scrawnier and voiced by Ricky Blitt (as opposed to Scott Grimes).

5- Daffy’s desire to achieve stardom at any cost was explored as early as 1940 in Freleng’s “You Ought to Be in Pictures”, but the idea was most successfully used by Chuck Jones, who redesigned the duck once again, making him scrawnier and scruffier.

6- Coming at Rock is one burly specimen who looks too stupid to feel fear, bearing down on the fighter with a greatsword cutting the air… and the other is a scrawnier creature wielding two long daggers much like those Sammy is now wielding.

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