scrawly in a sentence

Use ‘scrawly’ in a sentence | ‘scrawly’ example sentences

1- scrawly tunes, cloudy observations, open-ended sentiments ultimately leading to an unsatisfactory half-digested aftertaste.

2- scrawly writing, quite legible.

3- Add to that the fact that NONE of it was written down, except in Claude’s scrawly , UNREADABLE scribble.

4- It was addressed to THE FRIED EGG OF ROCK’N’ROLL and written in the scrawly childlike handwriting that so often accompanied humorous dispatches from the house of Morrissey.

5- Most people born before 1980 found themselves in a world of screen scarcity – TV, Cinema, and if you were a bit of a delinquent, Arcade games such as Asteroids whose scrawly graphics made you feel like you had entered the future but turns out it was designed by a four-year-old.

6- The name Sabbat came from a book on witchcraft, but I actually found some old school books of mine with ideas doodled on them so I’m sure I had some doing in suggesting it, but I do remember we liked the way the word looked in the scrawly type of writing so we went with it.

7- Newly minted Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel signed off on a letter to a former Senate colleague with a scrawly , nearly illegible version of his signature.

8- Some of the entries were illegible and others were written across the ruled lines and ran into each other, and they were all in scrawly handwriting, which she found very difficult to decipher.

9- By then some of the hurt had lessened and he was able to look down at her scrawly handwriting and think: so she made it.

10- Today’s scrawly , barely legible ‘tags’ say: ‘I exist but I have no name and nothing to say’ [p152].

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