scrawling in a sentence

Use ‘scrawling’ in a sentence | ‘scrawling’ example sentences

1- The rest of the week was passed scrawling graffiti in splendid public places.

2- But he did then stop this scrawling , which was a relief.

3- Weaver had practised his right-hand script before scrawling the first note to Jack Stone.

4- The scrawling game relating to the story Coverflow model makes it possible to start at any page .

5- In the old days , you got a detention slip for scrawling your initials on a desk.

6- May 9, 2014: A number of antisemitic scrawlings were found across the Alsace region in eastern France.

7- Don’t gum up the works by scrawling quotes from the nation’s fundamental legal document on your skin.

8- I have to say that the graffiti here is far more entertaining than the pathetic scrawlings at Cane Hill .

9- And there are photographs of the supposed Chinese, which is nothing but nonsense, like the scrawling of a two-year-old.

10- Why?” shot Amy, nonetheless quickly scrawling a line and a crooked 12 under the 12x on her worksheet.

11- The numerous spidery capillaries scrawling their florid graffiti across her nose and cheeks gave their own silent clue as to her habits.

12- It is said that the Duke promptly returned the missive, after scrawling across it, “Publish and be damned”.

13- Patrons, it turns out, pen more than just drink requests, scrawling notes or doodles on the scraps of paper.

14- And you find yourself, not knowing what’s possessed you, scrawling “Don’t ever change!” in the yearbook of Ricky, that guy from homeroom who sat in the back and kept to himself and who you might have exchanged three words with over the course of your shared educational experience. .

15- Further, defendant completely ignores the other conduct at the workplace, i.e., the incidents where employees put their right hands in their pockets, the scrawling of “the claw” on plaintiff’s cart and elsewhere, the occasions when plaintiff was ignored, and the like.

16- Gold writing kept dashing across it as though an invisible giant’s hand were scrawling upon the blackboard and then wiping it off again; watching it, Harry saw that it was flashing advertisements across the field.

17- More recently, she has been scrawling lyrics, such as U2’s “One life, you got to do what you should,” on her left arm; deciphering the references has become another fan activity.

18- Of course, all my friends were reading it at the time and scrawling “Frodo Lives” on our notebooks and lockers but outside my little nerdy circle no one I had ever met had heard of the books or cared much about them at all.

19- He never seems to take time off: a friend tells of how Joey, Mr Lee’s young son, once protested by scrawling his own name in his father’s diary for an appointment.

20- The husband begins enthusiastically showing us his complete list of collected PS2 software as the wife looks on, feverishly scrawling down pages of unfathomable notes in a tiny black book.

21- So on the morning of the 8th that topographical engineer, whom the chaplain had been carrying about the road to Barnett’s, came trotting down to our post, asking all sorts of questions, and scrawling over a sheet of paper what, to initiated eyes, was probably a sketch of the country.

22- When they are supposed to be arguing about the rider or scrawling their name on the walls, they sit quietly down and start replying to fan letters, or in Solowka’s case, it’s off with the flat-cap and out with the calculator.

23- I hand her a cheque for $75, and she opens with a prayer and then starts scrawling on a yellow legal pad for several minutes, as though she’s taking dictation from an unseen source.

24- Hannah Bosma, Alix Mazuet, and John M.Picker did an excellent job in excavating the polyvalent “sounds” with which literature is infused, ranging from rattling in one’s head space to the scratchy scrawling of ecriture, to the narrative representation of aurality.

25- I found the branding and online marketing presentations by Ben Allen and Cindy Edelstein most instructive and found myself scrawling notes and ideas throughout their presentations.

26- At the moment we arrived, our lady with the sight was scrawling Qur’anic verses along the length of a half-loaf of bread with a biro pen.

27- After the letter is typed, it will be returned to Charles to sign, and he may make his own addendums in flowing black or red ink scrawling across the page, involving underlining and exclamations marks, with his distinctive handwriting lending his letters their nickname.

28- To help develop the fictional history of Aperture Science, Valve created a digital comic to tell the story of the “Rat Man”, a schizophrenic who is unseen in the games themselves but creates murals and scrawlings that guide Chell in both games.

29- In 2010, vandals daubed graffiti and attempted to burn down the White Church of Baildon, West Yorkshire, marking the church with the sign of the pentagram and scrawling anti-Christian graffiti upon it.

30- Following his resignation as President of Gran Colombia, the people of the lands he liberated have now turned against him, scrawling anti-Bolívar graffiti and throwing waste at him.

31- You find your typewriter tapping out or your pencil scrawling a yet more thrusting reply from your heroine, one that surprises even you yourself.

32- According to the ordinance, a flag may not be used in advertisements or trademarks, and that “publicly and wilfully burning, mutilating, scrawling on, defiling or trampling” the flag is considered flag desecration.

33- There were tears of frustration in his eyes when he was back in his office and scrawling his letter of regrets in longhand to his former tutor.

34- By scrawling with his crook in the dust, the shepherd redirected us and by nightfall we were holed up in a cosy bar.

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