Use ‘scrappier’ in a sentence | ‘scrappier’ example sentences
1- The more fabrics you use, the scrappier the look.
2- I’m afraid it was scrappier in my case-no continuity.
3- They were all set-pieces and were all scrappier than the general play which had surrounded them.
4- Sometimes it is good when the point isn’t and can work on a higher tide, offering a scrappier alternative.
5- With its working waterfront, cobblestone streets and historic whaling industry buildings, New Bedford is a scrappier city by the sea.
6- After all, these are the businesses that could afford to pay to ride in the fast lanes of the Internet; doing so could help them to surpass the scrappier but cash-poor startups that compete with them.
7- Today, American physicists, relying primarily on industrial funding, must compete with smaller, scrappier nations intent on writing their own brief history of physics in the twenty-first century.
8- Their posture was too good and they were too well-spoken, and I feel like I really made this girl much more relatable and weirder and scrappier and more excitable and awkward.
9- Although “Edmontosaurus” was only named in 1917, its oldest well-supported species (“E. annectens”) was named in 1892 as a species of “Claosaurus”, and scrappier fossils that may belong to it were described as long ago as 1871.
10- Eldridge was famously considered competitive by those who knew him, pianist Chuck Folds saying: “I can’t imagine anyone more competitive than he was in the 1970s. I’ve never met anyone scrappier than Roy, ever, ever, ever.
11- That was the only real talking point in a scrappier period of play that tooks us up the 58 th minute when Cabral was replaced by Elhadji Ba.
12- Second half was slower and scrappier …
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Related Words:
scrapers – scrapes – scrapheap – scraping – scrapped – scrapper – scrappers – scrappier – scrappiest – scrapping – scrappy – scraps – scrapyard – scrapyards – scratch –
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