scramble down in a sentence

Use ‘scramble down’ in a sentence | ‘scramble down’ example sentences

1- He scrambled down to the water’s edge.

2- She scrambled down the tree , nearly falling a few times.

3- My dogs loved the scramble down the cliff to the beach.

4- It would be easy to scramble down , thought Jack.

5- She scrambled down the tree as fast as she could.

6- They scrambled down the ladder, yelling their good-byes.

7- She reached the cliff and scrambled down the steps to the beach.

8- You can scramble down to read the staff gauge on the outside.

9- They scrambled down the bank and set to nibbling beside the water.

10- The four men looked up as he came scrambling down the steep bank.

11- A couple more members of the gang came scrambling down the companionway ladder.

12- LOOTERS are risking their lives scrambling down cliffs to strip a wrecked ship.

13- The “cliffs” are actually sandy, & can easily be scrambled down .

14- Laverne slides and scrambles down the bank on the other side.

15- The two small boys scrambled down from their chairs and raced for the door.

16- A long walk and a scramble down a rocky gorge is required to reach it.

17- The last 2km were truly crazy scrambling down a rocky hillside in the pitch dark.

18- At once he scrambled down .

19- I scramble down a lush hillside while poorly aimed gunfire tears up the jungle behind me . Other times, such as in Las Vegas, it’s a last-minute decision and a scramble down the aisle.

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