scour out in a sentence

Use ‘scour out’ in a sentence | ‘scour out’ example sentences

1- We use toothbrushes to scour out teeth, often removing the outer protective layer.

2- Pioneers made use of the coarse surface of horsetails to scour out dirty pots.

3- They felt as if they’d been scoured out with a Brillo pad.

4- Jets of water scour out a zone that is then filled with guar gum and iron.

5- These dear ladies of the law and order league are scouring out the dregs of the town.

6- A sluice, called for in the Act, was designed to help scour out The Haven.

7- And while she’s scouring out that bowl, take the opportunity to demolish all the dirty dishes.

8- Cusps and horns form where incoming waves divide, depositing sand as horns and scouring out sand to form cusps.

9- Flash floods can roll boulders, tear out trees, destroy buildings and bridges, and scour out new channels.

10- At low tide, the sluice gates were opened, and the flow scoured out the silt for some 3 mi downstream.

11- The resulting flood scoured out the walls of the Columbia River gorge, flooded the Portland area under 400-feet of water, flooded the Willamette and Tualatin Valleys and deposited the soils and rocks we see today below 500-feet.

12- During the reign of King Henry I the canal is recorded as having been scoured out to increase its depth in 1121 but it deteriorated until by the 17th century it was virtually impassible.

13- Such people, caught in a strange web of masochism, find their emotional fulfilment not in acts of love but in being made to scrub kitchen floors or scour out pans.

14- Instead, they were made with modern lapidary machines using rotating wheels, probably composed of tiny industrial diamonds that scoured out neat and parallel trenches in the quartz.

15- After removal of the crab pot, divers noted no eelgrass in the pot footprint or in a fifteen foot square area directly behind the pot where a one foot deep hole had been scoured out due to currents moving around the pot.

16- Here it is subject to attrition as currents flowing parallel to the coast scour out channels and transport sand and pebbles away from their place of origin.

17- Bodies were dumped in the river Garonne, sewers in the city were scoured out , quartiers were set alight, not as ritual cleansings and purification of the city but as a natural recourse in the strategy of urban warfare when the prisons were full and the sewers offered some refuge.

18- This powerful EF5 tornado caused incredible damage northeast of Philadelphia, Mississippi, where homes were swept away, vehicles were thrown, and the ground was scoured out to a depth of 2 ft by the tornado.

19- By 1905 Hampton Grand Parade and half of Marine Drive had been eroded away, then a storm broke through the sea wall and scoured out the land from behind it.

20- In fact the kettle hole had been scoured out by a low waterfall that was explosively demolished in 1784 to enable timber rafts to use the Bode.

21- The placename ‘Red Boiler’ near Fergushill marked the site where steam boilers from the collieries were scoured out and then reused.

22- During floods in the 1990s, an almost sheer 30 ft waterfall was rapidly scoured out of a steep earthen slope on Trabuco Creek, downstream of a railroad bridge and upstream of the Oso Creek confluence.

23- Europe is also blessed with a large number of navigable rivers, scoured out of the landscape when the glaciers retreated at the end of the Ice Age.

24- He wrote to Lancet claiming to have successfully treated five patients with stimulants and pain relief (“mild anodynes”), instead of what he graphically described as ” scouring out ” and mercury-based potions.

25- A typical solution is to restrict the width of the low-water channel, concentrate all of the flow in it, and also to fix its position so that it is scoured out every year by the floods which follow the deepest part of the bed along the line of the strongest current.

26- They were lying on the bed after making love, every trace of lust scoured out of them, their bodies clean and abandoned.

27- He had tried to develop a port at Ynys Cyngar, some 2 mi from his embankment, now known as The Cob, but the effects of diverting the Glaslyn through its exit sluice were that it scoured out a deep channel by Ynys Towyn, the island at the western end of the Cob.

28- As the loose sediment was scoured out from under the blocks and other pieces of beachrock by so-called “scour and settling processes”, they dropped downward for several meters until they rested directly on the erosion-resistant Pleistocene limestone as an erosional lag.

29- For this valley was scoured out by the most potent of the Pyrenean glaciers, which was fed from the big valleys to the south, of Gavarnie, Cauterets, Gédre and Baréges, and penetrated beyond the point where Lourdes now stands, shaping the topography as it went.

30- The diversion of the Afon Glaslyn caused it to scour out a new natural harbour which had a deep enough draught for small ocean-going sailing ships, and the first public wharves were built in 1825.

31- Later, when the ice retreated farther and the unloaded streams returned to their earlier degrading habit, they more or less completely scoured out the valley deposits, the remains of which are now seen in terraces on either side of the present flood plains.

32- The Truckee River, which drains Lake Tahoe, had already found and scoured out the best route across the Carson Range of mountains east of the Sierras.

33- During work that continues to this day, the 735 mi navigation channel from Sioux City to St. Louis has been controlled by building rock dikes to direct the river’s flow and scour out sediments, sealing and cutting off meanders and side channels, and dredging the riverbed.

34- Horicon Marsh is a shallow , peat-filled lake bed scoured out of limestone by the Green Bay lobe of the massive Wisconsin glacier.

35- Another half-hour’s walking brought me to Cow Dub where a stream thunders down from a lip of flowstone, crashing through a narrow tubular cavern to scour out a perfectly formed round pool below.

36- The beach at Sougia appears to the scoured out of sheer cliffs with a long stretch of steeply banked pebble that dips sharply into the sea.

37- Have the carpets professionally cleaned, strip and polish the floors, scour the bathrooms, go over the laundry room, polish the furniture, scour out the cabinets, wash the windows and window coverings, and spiff up the ceiling fans and kitchen appliances.

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