scorns in a sentence

Use ‘scorns’ in a sentence | ‘scorns’ example sentences

1- That curse which Europe scorns to bear?

2- The merchant scorns them and makes to strange his son.

3- Martha scorns this explanation by saying ‘The film?

4- The beautiful scorns the ugly and they became arrogant of their appearance.

5- He scorns to be healed, unless he be humoured.

6- She scorns Jack, even though he saved her daughter’s life.

7- Steely security liaison Rafe Stryker scorns lasting love.

8- He seemingly scorns her and promises to give her a quick death.

9- Dalila weeps and scorns Samson and runs into her dwelling.

10- It scorns to tread in the footsteps of any predecessor, however illustrious.

11- She scorns him and leaves him.

12- He is a mad old inventor who scorns all magic ever since his mother died.

13- In the cruel world of teenagers, he openly scorns Pashka to become accepted.

14- Whosoever scorns His service and is proud, all such will assemble unto Him.

15- Medea now rises and scorns Giasone for his disloyalty.

16- The modern scientific mind scorns such superstitious nonsense, but in homeopathy many are exploring this avenue.

17- Leonardo scorns Victoria for her being so harsh on their mother and not forgiving her.

18- She scorns and insults Artemis, who in retribution eventually brings about the mortal’s suicide.

19- I don’t sympathize with the Reformed trend that utterly scorns and detests the label.

20- She is disgusted by his poverty and crass behavior, he scorns her superficiality and materialism.

21- At the same time, the old man reappears and is tormented by devils who he scorns .

22- The Editor scorns to enter the lists of argument with any proscribed writer of the opposite party.

23- Not the miserable candle-ends and cheese-parings; these, I dare say, she scorns .

24- In traditional versions the ending sometimes varies, even to the point where the victor scorns the woman.

25- Even though he always scorns at Uru and Ichirou, he is actually a very caring person.

26- In his own, ghosted, book he scorns concern for the babies he and his men killed.

27- Back in the bunker Neumann keeps standing guard while Mirus scorns the whole idea of trying to fight anymore.

28- Patrick rages and scorns in proportion to his frustration: Hamlet’s ‘weakness’ has its counterpart here.

29- He scorns them, saying: “The full moon is not yet, but the women cannot wait.

30- Orestes arrives and Isifile scorns him for having been absent and tempts him to kiss her, then falls asleep.

31- The Emperor scorns Go Sankei’s lecture, but immediately an ancient plaque with the dynasty name on it shatters.

32- A spoiled and vain woman, she scorns her deformed child from birth and cannot bring herself to name him.

33- From the youngest of ages, we have been seeped in a society that scorns the odd and encourages the average.

34- Lady Plus scorns them, assures them that she and her daughters will never marry, and tells them to leave.

35- Felismena is then employed by Felix to act as his messenger in all communications with Celia, who scorns his love.

36- Back at the house, Brandi M. scorns Megan and Brandi C. for their lack of teamwork and calls them fat.

37- Seeing their preoccupation with petty daily problems, seeing how meaningless, powerless, limited they are, perhaps he scorns us.

38- For example, Clarke scorns those who argue that mankind will not eventually move out to colonise the vast expanses of space. She scorns liars.

39- He scorns reviewers who criticize his books saying that critics are just failed writers.

40- He scorns the current Rogue of Corus as having lost his grip, and later usurps the ‘throne’ (gaining him yet another scar) and becomes King of the Rogue.

41- The Emperor scorns Go Sankei’s lecture, but immediately an ancient plaque with the dynasty name on it shatters.

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