scorning in a sentence

Use ‘scorning’ in a sentence | ‘scorning’ example sentences

1- Poets become such, Through scorning nothing.

2- Julian was the one scorning science and promoting conspiracy theory .

3- I am not scorning science , quite the contrary!

4- scorning the establishment, they left homes and heartbroken parents.

5- I will keep you in mind for a future scorning session.

6- Bypassing auto racing altogether was tantamount to scorning it as humbug.

7- The next instant he banished the thought, scorning the suggestions of his own mind.

8- When she catches sight of me she smiles and I feel guilty for scorning her.

9- They were proud people jealous of their lineage, scorning those not of pure Romany blood.

10- By scorning concert-hall constants, Karajan was making a realistic attempt to put music on film.

11- scorning my bag, it scuttled past my hand down the wall and behind the bed.

12- Don’t hand them over for scorning , And to be ruled by the nations!

13- scorning more than a small peppermint humbug, I went into the little church of St. Nicholas.

14- scorning the limp , academic niche writers, he used logical rigor to penetrate big topics in stirring books.

15- Students sought him at his studio, praising his work and scorning the charges of “surmoulage”.

16- Today, silver bullets are most useful for scorning the idea that there are simple solutions to complicated problems.

17- By scorning censorship and gung-ho bombast, Jagger arrived at an accurate reflection of many ex-soldiers’ views.

18- This week, as usual, he was scorning the attractions of Brighton’s restaurants and plush hotel bars.

19- He decides against the murder, but Lady Macbeth lifts his flagging spirit by upbraiding him and scorning his cowardice.

20- The most degraded out of other races, scorning their national beliefs, brought to them their contributions and presents.

21- scorning Nasr’s proposals for cooperation, Ibn Surayj soon withdrew to the countryside and rose in rebellion as well.

22- We need something that adequately expresses the passion and devotion that its adherents bring to scorning the object of their derision.

23- They practised, as Lucien always had, without music, scorning even the metronomic hand drums that other Ixmaritians favoured.

24- On arriving at the border, they begin to fight, the chieftain scorning to settle their differences any other way.

25- Eventually, Kosta won out, though it is not known whether this was done by reconciling or by scorning father Khetagurov.

26- According to Jackson, the editor must have disclosed Freeman’s name, ‘for a day or two later appeared a raving letter from Freeman accusing the editor of breach of confidence, abusing Ruskin and all his works and scorning his offer of intimacy’.

27- Whoever coined the term originally .. and all those who have since lined up to pour scorn on the idea by scorning the expression itself .. demonstrate to the rest of us that they think there is something inherently wrong about striving to be “correct” when practising politics.

28- Observation and experience teach us, those scorning to swerve from a direct line of duty, or vainly to stoop to personal aggrandizement at the sacrifice of conscience, and make popularity paramount to Truth, are traduced by many whom that line of duty touches.

29- His own dealing with them was never affectionate, but superior, didactic. – scorning their petty ways, – very slowly conceding, or not conceding at all, the promise of his society at their houses, or even at his own.

30- scorning a popular commercial framework, he spent a considerable amount of time extracting Candy Jones’s story from hundreds of cassette tapes.

31- Putin is considered public enemy No. 1 for championing multi-world polarity, scorning imperial’s dark side, and protecting Russia’s sovereign independence.

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