scornfully in a sentence

Use ‘scornfully’ in a sentence | ‘scornfully’ example sentences

1- She was staring somewhat scornfully at his plump shoulders.

2- He scornfully derided their ownership of property abroad.

3- People were treated scornfully on these elections.

4- scornfully have been quick on the trigger.

5- All these anxieties were scornfully dismissed and the Government pressed ahead.

6- Stoop Therefore, nor scornfully distort thy lip.

7- Was he afraid of a scene? she wondered scornfully .

8- Doyle smiled scornfully , as though she had somehow missed the point.

9- Sophie winced involuntarily, then she laughed scornfully .

10- He scornfully dictates to her a brusque reply.

11- Some petitioners scornfully refer to the relief centers themselves as black jails .

12- Shannon’s cheeks flamed, and Marianne laughed scornfully .

13- Mr Albert laughed, a trifle scornfully .

14- What a beautiful creature!’ laughed Heathcliff scornfully .

15- She snorted and stood up, tossing back her hair scornfully .

16- What of that?” said Tollydob scornfully .

17- Petula – what a name, she thought scornfully .

18- He laughed scornfully , but she saw that he had gone very pale.

19- I am the champion of England” he scornfully rejected the kind offer.

20- Logan looked at him almost scornfully .

21- Adrian scornfully dismisses these as insignificant.

22- Shaklovity scornfully imitates the servants’ song over the Prince’s corpse.

23- Sergeant Heydrich then scornfully tells Baumann “there’s your Americans.

24- Just a crowd who talk hot air like himself,’ Sarah said scornfully .

25- Like they give real lightsabers to little kids.” The alien said scornfully .

26- He glared at the screen scornfully .

27- Heathcliff looked scornfully at his son.

28- Ollie ( scornfully ): Do you have to ask your wife everything?

29- Vivian pleads with Judith to marry him, but she scornfully rejects him.

30- Gregson said, smiling, scornfully .

31- And yet,’ scornfully , ‘you were telling him you loved him.

32- Robyn tossed her head scornfully .

33- Jake shook his head scornfully .

34- Adam’s mouth twisted scornfully .

35- Alice said scornfully , ‘They must be the most stupid birds in the world.

36- Sadie looked at her scornfully .

37- He looked at her scornfully .

38- Felicity looked scornfully at him.

39- Traders, who in desperation offered the Indians free whiskey, found them selves scornfully rejected.

40- Nazi party officials in France reported that Rommel extensively and scornfully criticised Nazi incompetence and crimes. When I asked Jessica for a date, she laughed scornfully and said, “Never in a million years.

41- “The crowd booed scornfully at the President’s suggestion that the poor would benefit from tax cuts for the rich.

42- When she saw my new haircut, my ex-girlfriend just laughed scornfully and said “Nice haircut.

43- Did you do it yourself?”At home, because of his reddish hair and freckles, his mother scornfully named him carrot and had everybody else call him that.

44- The Press had published an open letter to the Viceroy, remarking scornfully on his refusal to show clemency to Orr.

45- Pellieux described him scornfully as “a gentleman who still bore the uniform of the French army and who dared charge three generals with a forgery”.

46- He scornfully told the jury he would “live longer than the lot of them”.

47- Tanacharison scornfully called it “that little thing upon the meadow” and complained that Washington would not listen to advice and treated the Indians like slaves.

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