scornful in a sentence

Use ‘scornful’ in a sentence | ‘scornful’ example sentences

1- Other conference participants were no less scornful .

2- Their early scornful dismissal of his teaching had long disappeared.

3- She laughed a scornful laugh and walked away.

4- The scornful pawn capture additional rule counterbalances the excessive pawn mobility.

5- She gave him a scornful little smile.

6- He must be careful to avoid emotive judgements or scornful abuse.

7- Old Abel’s scornful eyes again held the golden flash.

8- He was scornful of the latter….

9- Edward looked at me with scornful pity.

10- The Navy responded immediately with scornful public mocking of the effort.

11- If there was laughter it was black, scornful , scathing.

12- They were scornful of protocol, according to ATF agents.

13- Maybe my scornful disgust could be transformed into sympathetic consideration.

14- Jack leans out further than the others, scornful .

15- Stormy grey eyes challenged him, proud and scornful .

16- He is also frequently scornful of caravanners and cyclists.

17- Foot and mouth disease! the editor cried in scornful invective.

18- Oswald said, “Not much credit ,” in scornful tones.

19- He looked across the room to where a famous actress held scornful court.

20- Gibreel, glancing at the framed comic, was scornful .

21- Maurice Gee, “The scornful Moon”.

22- The queen-dowager’s voice was scornful in the extreme.

23- Leonora gave her sister a scornful look.

24- Miss Merchiston flashed him a scornful glance.

25- The scornful rider gave the fox no chance to get well away.

26- Cerealis instructed the others not to be scornful .

27- Golding treated her to a scornful look.

28- The scornful gridlock ZOLPIDEM is to keep my medicine?

29- They refuse the request of “Ginipathi” with a scornful expression.

30- When she suggested that they might be lost he was comfortingly scornful .

31- Her scornful refusal provokes him into a rage and he becomes violent.

32- Throughout his reign, King Tullus had a scornful attitude towards religion.

33- Especially was his attitude upon all social and political questions scornful and exasperating.

34- He could hear his grandad’s scornful retort.

35- Tense with anger at first, she suddenly burst into scornful laughter.

36- Mrs Thatcher was particularly scornful on sanctions and most Tories supported that view.

37- Don’t be scornful or belligerent.

38- She gave him a scornful look.

39- Lucy tasted it & with a most scornful look put the glass down.

40- Andrey, ensconced in a New York hotel, was scornful . He was scornful of the danger.

41- He is very scornful of any suggestion that someone else in the firm might be a better salesman.

42- A Peruvian proverb notes that in life the son is scornful of the father, but in business the father is scornful of the son.

43- scrambleSchellenberg is scornful of the way VW bosses have responded to the crisis.

44- The scornful pawn capture additional rule counterbalances the excessive pawn mobility.

45- He describes Walken’s performance as self-indulgent and scornful.

46- Scenes include a hackney carriage journey, self-realisation, scornful glances in a mirror and wandering an old 1930’s house.

47- She was scornful of the elitist nature of some elements of the institution, branding the Oxford Union “that cadet class of the establishment”.

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