scorners in a sentence

Use ‘scorners’ in a sentence | ‘scorners’ example sentences

1- What type of scorners is referred to?

2- He feels pain and sorrow for the deviants and scorners .

3- This is especially true of the knowledge of Divine things, which ” scorners ” never really acquire.

4- But if I had gone with scorners , and if my foot has hasted to deceit 6.

5- I am sure others have addressed the excuses before, I have read others responses to the “why I just don’t do Christmas” scorners but this will be a different take based on those in the New Testament.

6- Surely there must be other things for the scorners to do–unless, deep within their seeming disinterest, there is interest.

7- 19:29 Judgments are prepared for scorners , and stripes for the back of fools [especially spiritual fools who are not zealous for the commandments].

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scoresscoringscornwith scornscorn forscornedscornerscornersscornfulscornfullyscorningscornsscorpionscorpionsscotch

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