scorekeeper in a sentence

Use ‘scorekeeper’ in a sentence | ‘scorekeeper’ example sentences

1- The scorekeeper totals all the points obtained by each player.

2- A scorekeeper keeps track of the players’ scores.

3- The second referee also needs to communicate effectively with the scorekeeper .

4- They are assisted by a timekeeper and a scorekeeper .

5- The scorekeeper will keep a log of time-outs.

6- The Google Play Store also has a scorekeeper app for Phase 10.

7- Whoever the scorekeeper was absolutely denied major league baseball a nice no-hitter right there.

8- At the score table, scorekeepers compile the results in a variety of ways.

9- The third player should procure a beverage for the scorekeeper if a lineman is employed.

10- Sports were out of the question and I was an expert scorekeeper in gym class.

11- One of the models would then act as “official scorekeeper ” for that show.

12- The plate umpire shall then inform the coach of the opposing team and the official scorekeeper .

13- HTOsports scorekeeper requires a HomeTeamsONLINE website .

14- You asked a scorekeeper that you trusted, twice even, and received an affirmative response.

15- Make it a rule always to check with the scorekeeper before going on to the area.

16- Other scorekeepers might abbreviate this out using “F9” for fly out to right field.

17- Following Matt Lucas’s decision to leave the programme, Angelos Epithemiou became the scorekeeper .

18- About AppShopper HTOsports scorekeeper iOS Universal HTOsports scorekeeper works with HomeTeamsONLINE sports websites .

19- About AppShopper HTOsports scorekeeper iOS Universal HTOsports scorekeeper works with HomeTeamsONLINE sports websites .

20- Host will be responsible for recruitment and scheduling of all tournament official referees, lines judges and scorekeepers .

21- They tend to be busy, demanding a lot more information than most casual scorekeepers want to keep.

22- The notification of upgrades is important, so the scorekeeper will know where to look for your racers.

23- Under no circumstances shall anyone make contact with the referee, lineman, or scorekeeper or spill their drinks.

24- The representative may call a team timeout once every period and may address the scorekeeper , timekeeper, and referees.

25- It’s a trade down by most objective measures, but not for Austin-based ideological scorekeepers on the right.

26- That allowed the scoring reports to be announced on-air faster than the official scorekeepers could produce them from race control.

27- The crowds were so loud the referee corps could not hear the coaches or scorekeepers from just a few feet away.

28- There are also 2 timekeepers and 2 scorekeepers who inform the umpires, and players of time remaining, and scores.

29- The new forecast, by Congress’s nonpartisan, official budget scorekeeper , highlights the uncertainty about the system’s future.

30- The kids are divided into teams and they come up with a captain, a team name, and a scorekeeper .

31- They would then be judged by scorekeeper George Dawes (Matt Lucas), who would invariably award them no points.

32- When the scorekeeper has finished recording the subs, a hand signal is given to the first referee signaling play is ready.

33- This is the irrelevant balanced diet that nodules metals to fand (deteriorate), and vigorously localize scorekeepers to reconnect brown.

34- George’s Home Run – While Marco tries to hit his first Little League home run, George gets to play scorekeeper .

35- Sometimes, one of the guys sitting out would serve as “official scorekeeper ,” but both teams usually had to keep tabs on what was going on and be willing to vociferously argue their case when a disagreement arose.

36- The Hill : CBO: Defunding Health Reform Boosts Deficit A Republican plan to withhold implementation funds for the Democrats’ new health care law would add $5.7 billion to the deficit over 10 years, the nonpartisan congressional scorekeeper said Thursday.

37- That”s according to the nonpartisan state Legislative Fiscal Bureau , which both parties have long cited as a neutral scorekeeper on budget matters.

38- So the Perfect Master is down and the scorekeeper is counting, but no one in the Game figures the little guy is down for the count.

39- Before each round of a team match the team’s representative must hand in a list of competitors to the area scorekeeper , specifying the order in which they will compete.

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