Use ‘scene-of-crime’ in a sentence | ‘scene-of-crime’ example sentences
1- The story included 10 different scenes of bullying.
2- The scenes of chaotic violence were horrific.
3- The whole scene of music is quite tired.
4- The artist never paints direct scenes of mass death.
5- A scene of fighter jets taking off was added.
6- A scene of miners names being called was cut short.
7- His arrival here was a scene of great excitement.
8- A scene of this kind is frequently very comic.
9- The scene of the crime had produced little.
10- The scenes of aerial combat are skillfully done and exciting.
11- The scenes of horror attending this massacre are beyond description.
12- Their work featured scenes of urban realism.
13- The kitchen was a scene of happy activity.
14- The station has been the scene of several serious accidents.
15- The opening scenes of the game are shown again.
16- On occasion the battles became scenes of bloody carnage.
17- The region became the scene of many wars.
18- The scene of a collapsing train bridge is partly without models.
19- The point is repeated in several scenes of temptation.
20- Scenes of excessive violence shall be prohibited.
21- The film had many scenes of the docks area.
22- Warning – this film contains scenes of graphic violence!
23- Scenes of law enforcement often involved claims of racial discrimination .
24- The primary scene of action is a county fair .
25- City scene of buses then several galleries .
26- No scenes of sadistic torture should be shown.
27- The last scenes of the film are practically perfect.
28- No scene of social excitement or stimulus.
29- The scene of operations had also changed.
30- For five days, scenes of violence were constantly occurring.
31- The scenes of blonde Spears were cut.
32- The frescoes realistically show Biblical scenes of emotional intensity.
33- And yet these lengthy scenes of conversations generate a spark.
34- There is only two brief scenes of partial female nudity.
35- On the next day scenes of violence again occurred.
36- I’ve always loved his scenes of daily life.
37- It’s a scene of unbelievable devastation.
38- Armenia was the scene of his labors.
39- The last scene of all is the adjusting.
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Related Words:
battle scene – love scene – violent scene – club scene – political scene – music scene – make a scene – scene-of-crime – jazz scene – part of a scene – appear on the scene – arrive on the scene – opening scene – involved in the scene – angry scene –
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