scapegoated in a sentence

Use ‘scapegoated’ in a sentence | ‘scapegoated’ example sentences

1- However although Hudson was being scapegoated others did not always escape.

2- They should be empowered and supported–not scapegoated .

3- And so these journalists say their being scapegoated .

4- Aimee, scapegoated in a dysfunctional family indeed.

5- Jews were scapegoated for the plague and accused of poisoning the wells.

6- Project managers described many families as ‘easily scapegoated ‘ in neighbour disputes.

7- Christians were scapegoated by the Islamists for the downfall of President Mohammed Morsi.

8- Muslims are being scapegoated just like Jews were in Germany in the 1930’s.

9- I have been unceremoniously dumped, misunderstood, scapegoated , vilified, and attacked.

10- The themes of victimization and being scapegoated also seem to be related to Chiron.

11- They may have been scapegoated at school or the the victim of critical, perfectionistic parents.

12- Only about 40,000 returned to Hungary, scapegoated by Hitler for the catastrophic Axis defeat.

13- Frank is scapegoated for a long period of administrative incompetence in the Roar and the FFA.

14- Beckham was scapegoated for the defeat of 1998 only because he got himself sent off after 46 minutes.

15- Many of Contreras’s supporters said they believed she was being scapegoated for tackling problems previous superintendents ignored.

16- The “Times” scapegoated all foreign elements even calling onlookers and taco venders as “cultural subversives.

17- Unfortunately this resulted in Mr. Laszlo being scapegoated in Japanese Only , particularly in the Japanese version.

18- Arabs and Muslims are being scapegoated and demonized to justify a war that is ruining the lives of millions.

19- Reporters without Borders said journalists were being scapegoated by both sides, reporting further injuries to journalists on 11 June.

20- He told “Salon” “we’re being scapegoated ” and that many students are ready to file lawsuits.

21- The man was identified as Rolando Galman at first but reports say that Galman was presumed innocent and scapegoated .

22- They have felt misunderstood and scapegoated , quite unprepared for the political and social dilemmas in which they were caught.

23- Poor people who, being both poor and white, are generally the most despised, scapegoated group in America.

24- Two people get together and enhance their functioning at the expense of a third, the ” scapegoated ” one.

25- Defense lawyer Guy Womack contended that Graner and the six other Abu Ghraib guards charged with abuses were being scapegoated .

26- On October 10, she was advised of the investigation and feared that she would be scapegoated for the abuse.

27- When immigrants are scapegoated and denied full labor rights and civil rights, we are all scapegoated and denied our rights.

28- When immigrants are scapegoated and denied full labor rights and civil rights, we are all scapegoated and denied our rights.

29- The father did not cause our separation; under the aspect of the bad breast he is just being scapegoated for it.

30- You are in good company- on the high profile list with Loren and Peter and Jay and Dan, and in the good company of a whole lot of anonymous readers and writers here on MIA who are scapegoated everyday for speaking out about the dangers of meds.

31- I’m sure Bob’s experience of being blamed, and possibly scapegoated , will not be the first and he will not be the only person who will experience this.

32- Using Voice Dialogue to access the scapegoated Child, she is gently and safely allowed to speak and feel the truth, the brutal truth of what happened to her in childhood, including feeling the impact on her of absorbing the pain of others.

33- Just as those who are scapegoated by their families or the groups with which they associate, this exquisitely sensitive, loving Child becomes the Inner Scapegoat.

34- Central characters and themes of the Dreyfus Affair are mapped onto a new plot, one in which a Jewish schoolteacher is accused (wrongly) of and scapegoated for brutality toward a child.

35- Then with a word, our devotion too being a good man means nothing, we become the scapegoated whipping boy that everyone and everything in society uses too prove they are good.

36- In fact, immigrants are blamed and scapegoated for the actions of others by a deliberate attempt of some anti-immigrant groups to shift the blame for sprawl away from its actual causes.

37- Yesterday the Guardian reported that recipients of disability benefits, scapegoated by the government as scroungers, blamed for the deficit, now find themselves subject to a new level of hostility and threats from other people( 8 ).

38- But in truth, the careers of Jones and Del Toro had always been uneven, while Friedkin had long reigned as the most maligned and scapegoated director of the New Hollywood generation.

39- Having scapegoated the Assyrians as dangerous national traitors, this massacre of unarmed civilians became a symbol of national pride, and enhanced Sidqi’s prestige.

40- Holly/Susanne admitted her deception, but claimed that she was scapegoated for trying to leave her job at the weapons facility.

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