scapegoat for in a sentence

Use ‘scapegoat for’ in a sentence | ‘scapegoat for’ example sentences

1- Capitalism has become the scapegoat for many social woes.

2- Is the healthcare insurance industry the scapegoat for rising premiums?

3- They need a scapegoat for their failed policies. Defense attorneys argued the investors were greedy and used Lucas as a scapegoat for their bad deals.

4- Eloise Morin, “Quebec aide scapegoat for Oka, Parizeau says,” Toronto Star, 17 October 1990, A12.

5- Guinevere is portrayed as a scapegoat for violence without developing her perspective or motivation.

6- The Arco Trent character was described as a powerful figure in the Administration who had become a scapegoat for a group of corrupt officials involved in arms dealing.

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