scalpers in a sentence

Use ‘scalpers’ in a sentence | ‘scalpers’ example sentences

1- Ticket scalpers charged high prices for tickets.

2- The scalpers sold the tickets four times the original price.

3- Many of the unlucky fans blamed ticket scalpers .

4- scalpers attempt to act like traditional market makers or specialists.

5- scalpers also use the “fade” technique.

6- That’s right: scalpers are fighters for justice, too.

7- On the third floor are the centrifugals and scalpers .

8- Didn’t even have to go to scalpers .

9- Toy scalpers were calling the shots .

10- It’s not just dedicated scalpers that can benefit from scalping.

11- This year tickets are not transferable , to keep the ticket scalpers away.

12- scalpers were selling tickets for seats on the train at even higher prices.

13- The volume a market maker trades are many times more than the average individual scalpers .

14- The scalpers who held onto their SDCC Bruticus will shed delicious tears of bitterness .

15- In Australia, fans complained of ticket scalping and scalpers re-selling for high prices.

16- Many Forex scalpers have plans for stop placement, but often forget about position size!

17- There were even ticket scalpers .

18- For others, there reservation scalpers have emerged, much to the disdain of restaurateurs.

19- Ticket scalpers (“Locarii”) sometimes sold or let out seats at inflated prices.

20- Also , there is no customer service to speak of with scalpers or on ebay.

21- Amateur scalpers buy up cheap seats and SRO and end up panicking at the last second.

22- The film proved popular in the Maldives, with scalpers reportedly selling tickets at twice their value.

23- In an effort to combat ticket scalpers , each concert ticket will list the purchaser’s legal name.

24- I can’t stop ticket scalpers completely, but I can definitely make it harder for them.

25- Martial wrote that “Hermes gladiator who always drew the crowds means riches for the ticket scalpers “.

26- This forced the Hawaiian residents to buy their Bruno Mars tickets from online websites or scalpers per Hawaiinewsnow.

27- The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) bemoans ticket scalpers almost as much as match-fixers.

28- There are many full-time scalpers who are regulars at particular venues and even have a pool of loyal buyers.

29- That’s how country star Eric Church – not to mention the rest of us – feels about scalpers .

30- There were very specific details that needed to be done, in an effort to deter scalpers and ticket brokers.

31- Remember, too, that he is hardly ever a monopolist: he works in fierce competition with fellow scalpers .

32- Additionally, while scalpers hardly existed in 1956, by 1963 they regularly received $25 for a $5 ticket.

33- When scalpers wait until the final days before an event to resell tickets, it is sometimes called a scalp seeding.

34- scalpers sell tickets for high rates because there is more demand for tickets at the low sales price than available tickets.

35- There were scalpers and profiteers that were left with closets full of dolls that suddenly were not selling very well anymore.

36- However, the parties who provided the scalpers with the tickets were never identified, and the show ran without interference.

37- He was stopped by Detective Micheal Cordova who was in plainclothes because he was working a sting operation against ticket scalpers .

38- scalpers take full exit at this level; day traders take first partial and trail their stop under the breakeven point.

39- Eric Church has turned the tables on ticket scalpers for his upcoming concert at Minneapolis’ Target Center on Sept. 16.

40- They’ll need scalpers outside city hall because it will be a full house if I get down there.

41- Who receives the spreads (bonuses) The following traders receive the spreads: * Individual scalpers – obviously they trade for spreads and can benefit from larger spreads.

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