sarsaparilla in a sentence

Use ‘sarsaparilla’ in a sentence | ‘sarsaparilla’ example sentences

1- Not sure where the sarsaparilla Trail is?

2- In 1860, Feltville was sold to sarsaparilla makers.

3- He began to experiment with flavorings, beginning with sarsaparilla .

4- The powdered roots of Jamaican sarsaparilla are known as “Rad.

5- Walsh’s sarsaparilla stall decided not to move into the new market development.

6- Herbaceous plants in the understory include many fern species, and sarsaparilla .

7- sarsaparilla For pain and straining that is worst at the end of urination.

8- Wet your whistle with a sarsaparilla from the saloon for just a buck.

9- I got some sarsaparilla which is a herb that is good for balancing hormones.

10- Spices obtained from roots include sassafras, angelica, sarsaparilla and licorice.

11- New herbs like sarsaparilla seeds, frankincense and cyprus were used by Indians for incense.

12- Customers at the store could choose between strawberry, raspberry, sarsaparilla , and cream soda.

13- Mrs. Partington is of opinion that Mount Vesuvius should take sarsaparilla to cure itself of eruptions.

14- The gloomy cluttered shop always smelt of black spanish and hot blackcurrant juice and strong bitter-sweet sarsaparilla .

15- In 2009, The Sydney Theatre Company staged White’s play “The Season at sarsaparilla “.

16- They all had to go, even little Stanislovas, who was ill from overindulgence in sausages and sarsaparilla .

17- In the north-central section, acidic soils support sassafras and sarsaparilla , species that were once used in beverage making.

18- White developed as a novelist, but also had major theatrical success – including “The Season at sarsaparilla “.

19- In the ultimate homage to her favourite drink, freelance writer Michelle Gourley will be changing her name to Sassafras sarsaparilla .

20- The earliest Sykes’s cordials came in flavours of Lemon & Lime, Green Ginger, Raspberry and sarsaparilla and Peppermint.

21- After the show they would stroll back to their apartments and on the way visit the drugstores for a sarsaparilla or an ice cream soda.

22- In the West, effective herbal restoratives, health remedies and ‘blood purifiers’ such as sage, sarsaparilla , liquorice, dandelion root, yarrows or mugwort, disappeared along with the rest.

23- Much which is now used in European pharmacy is due to the research of Mexican doctors; such as sarsaparilla , jalap, friars’ rhubarb, mechoacan , etc.; also various emetics, antidotes to poison, remedies against fever, and an infinite number of plants, minerals, gums, and simple medicines.

24- From the medical garden, in which sarsaparilla and various other beneficial herbs are cultivated, we went to the house where they were picked and kept, and where rose-water was being just now distilled.

25- Until just before the First World War, a strong decoction containing sarsaparilla , calomel, cinnabar, anise, fennel, senna, and liquorice was warmed up and taken in quart doses daily for ten days.

26- Two other drugs were introduced in the sixteenth century, ‘China root’, an extract of Smilax sinensis , which was brought over from Goa by the Portuguese, and sarsaparilla from Sassafras officinale , an American plant.

27- Professional help will be required in these cases, but as an emergency measure a few doses of sarsaparilla may give some relief.

28- Holding her neck straight to keep from looking up at ‘ sarsaparilla ‘, she followed Trotter’s bulk back to her house.

29- Gilly nearly tripped over herself, leaping down and grabbing up ‘ sarsaparilla to Sorcery’ from the chair seat, stretching her guts out to tip the book into its place on the shelf as Trotter appeared at the door.

30- The examples are black alder, used for skin eruptions, bergamot tea which cleanses the body system, burdock, dandelion, horsetail, nettles, oat straw, sarsaparilla , stevia, and yellow dock.

31- In the end, I’m left with a subdued aura of either Dr. Pepper or sarsaparilla over breakfast cereal, and I’m not in great need of that scent in my life.

32- American pharmacists, who were selling most of the mineral waters, started to add medicinal and other flavorful herbs to the unflavored beverage, i.e. birch bark, dandelion, sarsaparilla and fruit extracts.

33- I’m taking Cats Claw, sarsaparilla root (Jamaican–which I grind in my coffee grinder), Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng), Astragalus, Japanese Knotweed and Andrographis.

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