sarcophagi in a sentence

Use ‘sarcophagi’ in a sentence | ‘sarcophagi’ example sentences

1- Egyptian elite burials still made use of stone sarcophagi .

2- The sarcophagi of children often show them playing games.

3- Four towering Egyptian sarcophagi lean against the wall.

4- Many sarcophagi from leading centres were exported around the Empire.

5- sarcophagi continued to be produced in great numbers.

6- Here stand the two plain sarcophagi of the founding couple.

7- The same workshops produced sarcophagi with Jewish or Christian imagery.

8- Another example is archaeological uses such as imaging the contents of sarcophagi .

9- But in death, their swollen bodies are huge sarcophagi for carbon.

10- The sarcophagi in particular exerted a huge influence on later Western sculpture.

11- In consequence, he was often depicted on mausolea and sarcophagi .

12- The most beautiful examples of baked earth sarcophagi are specific to this area.

13- House tombs and sarcophagi appear from the mid-5th century BC onwards.

14- More peaceful mythological scenes were popular on smaller sarcophagi , especially of Bacchus.

15- Statues and sarcophagi were protected by sandbags.

16- The sarcophagi are in terracotta or tufa.

17- These include sarcophagi , baptismal fonts, parapet slabs and pillars and capitals.

18- Some people can’t examine the sarcophagi which contains the recipe, including myself.

19- On sarcophagi , the couple often seem to represent an allegory of love overcoming death.

20- Bodies were placed in chambers in stone sarcophagi in their clothes and bound in linen.

21- In ancient times these sarcophagi were carved from stone or constructed from wood and later brick.

22- Throughout the Aleutian Islands, gravesites have been found that are above-ground sarcophagi .

23- The bodies of the poor were buried in simple stone, clay, or wooden sarcophagi .

24- The inscriptions on the sarcophagi also suggest that the hypogeum was complete about 150 BC.

25- Traces of antiquity are found in the cisterns, a large reservoir and many sarcophagi .

26- The WPA installed five busts in the circular wall of the atrium surrounding the sarcophagi .

27- Strewn all over the realm are tombs, mausoleums, gravestones, and sarcophagi .

28- The actual sarcophagi lie directly below, in the crypt, but in the same arrangement.

29- These sarcophagi are strategically located, as they are at the border of a lime cliff.

30- The occupying civilizations influenced Phoenician ceramics, jewelry and ivory work, statues, and sarcophagi .

31- These sarcophagi are left exposed, with no attempt to bury the dead in the ground.

32- Small carved reliefs were also found on sarcophagi like the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

33- Much of the extant Etruscan sculpture is in the form of sarcophagi in stone and bronze.

34- Jonah 4:5-11) found on Christian sarcophagi after the fourth century CE.

35- The tombstones and sarcophagi are often decorated with relief representations of scenes from mythology or daily life.

36- The sarcophagi and the lids of the urns often incorporate a reclining image of the deceased.

37- Is there any code or cheat or ANYTHING to reset the sarcophagi to get it?

38- Both now sit, mummified and in gold-leafed sarcophagi , in Summum’s pyramid headquarters.

39- Royalty and important religious figures were typically buried in plain stone sarcophagi , perhaps with a religious inscription.

40- The underground crypts were connected with tunnels, sarcophagi were cleaned and refurbished and new ones were funded. Such sarcophagi were usually placed in or next to a family mausoleum, Mazor said.

41- KV63, as it is known, appears to be a single chamber with seven sarcophagi and about 20 large funerary jars.

42- Their early tombs were usually in caves, and then in Roman times often in woody sarcophagi and also incinerated in ceramic urns.

43- The sarcophagi is covered with 16th century tilings.

44- Flags were lowered as veterans slowly and orderly placed the heavy sarcophagi into place.

45- The occupying civilizations inflenced Phoenician ceramics, jewelry and ivory work, statues, and sarcophagi.

46- On one side are Henry II and his wife Juana Manuel ; in front of them, lying in sarcophagi, are Henry III the Infirm and Katherine of Lancaster.

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