sarcasms in a sentence

Use ‘sarcasms’ in a sentence | ‘sarcasms’ example sentences

1- These sarcasms are uttered daily, all over the world.

2- He determined to lash the persecuting prelates with his sarcasms .

3- There is also the “Mosquito,” so called from its stinging sarcasms .

4- sarcasms are obnoxious too, but you have the independence to completely ignore it.

5- The mutual sarcasms between confronting coalitions have always turned out as the pot calling the kettle .

6- But not as conscious sarcasms .

7- But they were hardly reduced to ashes, before sarcasms and jests were heard in every direction.

8- The patriot party had long since laid aside the respectful deportment which had provoked the sarcasms of the loyalists.

9- The distinction long continued to be strongly marked, and furnished and admirable subject for the fierce sarcasms of Juvenal.

10- His sharp and direct criticisms upon men and measures can not fail to exasperate the friends of both, and his sarcasms , while they sparkle, sting.

11- More vain and arrogant than ever, he treated his powerful Spanish rival with insolence, and answered his observations with angry sarcasms , even in the presence of the King.

12- He appeared to answer the entreaties of the superstitious rabble with fervent blessings, while the friends who were nearest him were aware that nothing but gibes and sarcasms were falling from his lips.

13- Maggie had dealt with that as best she could, taking it quietly and never complaining about the minor injustices which a teacher can inflict – work returned because of untidiness, petty sarcasms , rigorous enforcement of minor school rules.

14- Latimer’s caustic wit had a free course at their expense, but there was so much gravity in his sallies, and so lively a Christianity in his descriptions, that every one must have felt them to be the cries of a Christian conscience rather than the sarcasms of an ill-natured disposition.

15- It was unfortunate that among these pious disciples of the Word, men of a cynical turn were now and then met with, whose biting sarcasms went beyond all bounds.

16- I was ashamed of having exposed my cheap imaginings to him, and was expecting some sarcasms , but it did not happen.

17- In 2007, Delany appeared in the films “A Beautiful Life”, “Camp Hope”, and “Multiple sarcasms “.

18- Sudden changes of mood left him rattling sarcasms like a snake, and he fell easily into disputes with others, including the Moynihans and Muriel Belcher.

19- He was incapable of controlling his spirit of raillery, from jests on Siamese missionaries to sarcasms at the expense of the heir to the throne and the ridicule of hereditary monarchy.

20- Prokofiev’s harmonic experimentation continued with ” sarcasms ” for piano, Op. 17 (1912), which makes extensive use of polytonality.

21- This provoked a reply from Fox, yet he was unable to give his speech for some time since he was overcome with tears and emotion, he appealed to Burke to remember their inalienable friendship, but also repeated his criticisms of Burke and uttered “unusually bitter sarcasms “.

22- Satisfying the urge to conclude with a Rondo after all , only the composer of a set of solo piano pieces called sarcasms could have written such a signature close…” This Chandos recording, by Boris Berman with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Neeme Järvi dates from 1989.

23- No man was ever subject to more wounding sarcasms from his fellow chieftains and other associates, which he either bore with calm indifference, or returned with smooth yet keen irony.

24- Report states that he took his first lessons in the manly art of self-defense from some English fellow-pupils, whose sarcasms upon the United States were more than the young Yankee could tolerate.

25- ” sarcasms “, Op. 17, for piano

26- Ignore his sarcasms the way you would ignore a burp

27- Yet you must not think to fob off our disgrace with a tale.” And when Coriolanus stands in the Forum “in a gown of humility,” his sarcasms receive their quiet retort from the citizens:

28- Mr. Riley is moping for you, and I can’t get along without somebody to appreciate my sarcasms , now that you have accustomed me to the luxury.”

29- Jokes about their own plight and sarcasms aimed at ‘Them’ at the top went the rounds as the standard of living fell steadily throughout Romania in the 1980s.

30- The weighty sarcasms , moral indignations, the flaggy patriotisms and dingy platitudes which have been perfectly good in other elections are covered with gray dust in this year.”

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