sanitary towel in a sentence

Use ‘sanitary towel’ in a sentence | ‘sanitary towel’ example sentences

1- In one room there was a plastic sack full of used sanitary towels .

2- Until 2001, VAT was charged at the full rate on unused sanitary towels .

3- Also avoid the use of vaginal deodorants, tampons and bleached sanitary towels .

4- You’ve got to tell them when you’re on and ask for sanitary towels .

5- It’s like the adverts that you see on TV for things like sanitary towels .

6- If you needed a new sanitary towel in the night you couldn’t get one.

7- It was easy enough to deposit the unused sanitary towels in the school dustbins during my nocturnal wanderings.

8- In Rwanda secondary school girls have proposed an increase in tuition fees so that schools can provide sanitary towels .

9- One 16 -year-old girl told the inquiry she had been strip-searched and ordered to hand her sanitary towel to staff.

10- Most remaining drops I catch with a sanitary towel I always put in my slip when I wear the belt.

11- Did you realise that even now there are no legal standards for the manufacture of either sanitary towels or tampons?

12- So what about sanitary towels and tampons: bleached products that also come into intimate contact with the human body?

13- The flats and houses she has been to see , littered with sanitary towels and condoms and needles and dog faeces.

14- Did you also know that in Britain neither sanitary towels nor tampons are sterilised, despite what their individual wrapping might suggest?

15- Christ Church JCR in Cambridge has just voted to place a compulsory levy on students’ charges to subsidise tampons and sanitary towels .

16- The makers of sanitary towels have promoted their wares in a number of ingenious ways over the years, but few have shown the same initiative as that of Southall Brothers and Barclay of Birmingham who, in July 1888, took up one third of the back cover of The Antiquary with an advertisement.

17- He claims the lake, which holds good pike, perch, trout and char, smells of sewage in warm weather and its shores are strewn with condoms and sanitary towels .

18- I went off to school camp for a few days when I was ten, and Mum suggested I took some sanitary towels with me in case my period started, but I dismissed this as silly and unnecessary.

19- Like – when I started my period she said, ‘Congratulations, now you’re a woman’, but then it was all this hassle about hiding your sanitary towels and tampons from boys, and living in mortal fear that they would fall out of your bag and boys would know it was your period.

20- I change slip every day (but I used to do so anyway) and also always wear the sanitary towel in my slip.

21- Female contestants are sometimes advised to wear a sanitary towel to protect the perineum from injury, but I have never known such an injury to arise.

22- And a lot of the mothers couldn’t afford to buy the, the proper erm maternity er sanitary towels that they would have done nowadays.

23- The PhoenurseTM is made of a dumbbell-shaped polyurethane sheath and comes with an insertion tool, a water- or silicone-based lubricant, sanitary towels , and disposal bags.

24- Other ladies’ hygiene services include soap dispensers, automatic air fresh units, hand dryers, sanitary towel and tampon dispensers, and a nappy disposal service.

25- Test results shown in the World In Action programme recorded 90 parts per trillion (ppt) for a brand of’ disposable’ nappies, 130 ppt for a tampon and 400 ppt for a sanitary towel .

26- Tests in Malaysia, the Philippines and India have found bacteria counts over 10 times the safety standard – a level that could lead to vaginal infections in some sanitary towels .

27- It explains the constituents of sanitary towels , tampons and’ disposable’ nappies, the dangers to our health both from dioxin and organochlorine contamination by the very nature and make-up of these products, and the threat posed to the environment by their manufacture and disposal.

28- Since they published the’ Sanitary Protection Scandal’ (a report on the production of sanitary towels , tampons and’ disposable’ nappies and their health and environmental implications), the level of response has been almost too much for WEN’s small City Road office.

29- And in that campaign they’ve made the links and made sure that sanitary products have a high profile:’ It is important to us that the words’ sanitary towel ‘ and’ tampon’ are being used publicly’.

30- Earlier this year The Women’s Environmental network produced a report exposing the dangers we all face from using tampons and sanitary towels .

31- Sure, you can go for your standard twigs, and we chopped up some wood, but if you happen to have a tampon or sanitary towel in your bag, you’re golden.

32- One poor mother at one food bank was desperate enough to ask for a pair of PE shorts, without which her son would be sent home from school, and for sanitary towels for her teenage daughter.

33- Old-fashioned or external sanitary towels , as anyone who has had the misfortune to make use of them will know, are dreadfully uncomfortable: they will not stay in place, they leak, and they chafe.

34- We may be an enlightened society but I’m sure many people don’t want to sit through graphic descriptions of a certain type of sanitary towel – especially at meal times.

35- Next week, the Women’s Environmental Network in London is expected to announce an initiative intended to stop women flushing tampons, sanitary towels and panty liners down the lavatory.

36- They’ll put cat food, car oil and sanitary towels on screen, but I can’t recall ever seeing tinned baby food.

37- Previously sewage had leaked into the River Chess after heavy rainfall and melting snow meant storm tanks were unable to cope with excessive amounts of water , before a build-up of discarded fat, sanitary towels and wet wipes caused a blockage in the sewer a week later.

38- Then they put the loo roll holders too close to the door and never seem to make allowance for sanitary towel disposal units.

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