sanely in a sentence

Use ‘sanely’ in a sentence | ‘sanely’ example sentences

1- We love it as much as we sanely can.

2- Between the utterly sane and the sanely mad, there is a gulf fixed.

3- Also , by virtue of insanity, you can’t sanely predict when it will happen.

4- When he attempted to announce the law most sanely , he was forced to couch it in parable.

5- We need to be alert to all aspects of our environment if we are to live sanely in the world.

6- I know that when done properly, when done sanely , the remote viewing does change people in very positive ways.

7- Through the years, John’s delusions don’t necessarily go away, but he learns to deal with them sanely .

8- I saw the design of tea roses on the wallpaper beyond; and the bed beneath me was sanely horizontal once more.

9- Others might speak sanely on business matters and the day’s topics, but from me something gamesome and airy was required.

10- Shaken by the sight, he, we, are hungry for instructions about how to live sanely and sustainably on the Earth.

11- We are going to have to find ways of organizing ourselves cooperatively, sanely , scientifically, harmonically and in regenerative spontaneity with the rest of humanity around the earth.

12- Sure, there isn’t exactly a large number of people who can sanely claim to have ridden a dragon, but there are a fair share of real life activities and experiences that can authenticate the written word.

13- Joseph O’Conor also makes Menenius infinitely more than a wily patrician: he seems the only one capable of communicating sanely with the several, warring factions.

14- Handling language mutations sanely , and making sure it’s always clear what “dialect” of Perl 6 is being spoken, has been one of the big challenges in making Perl 6.

15- Clearly, the proposition that someone could honestly and sanely make mistakes of this caliber is not credible and not a valid fourth option.

16- The future of remote viewing, if it’s carried on sanely , so that it doesn’t become a voodoo type thing to be shunned by everyone, and if it’s carried on scientifically, will, I mean will open up so many more possibilities.

17- It would explain the extraordinary letter about the cheque – an act of ludicrous personal generosity to help Ingard out of a hole, or, perhaps, more sanely , to try to preserve the shipping company from going down if the rest of the empire crashed.

18- The high professional duty of any advisor is to wean the pupil to growing independence from the advisor; sanely ; it is not an opportunity to encourage dependence, often mislabelled or mistaken as ‘trust’.

19- We see this as a clear case of a choice having to be made — is technology to be sanely controlled or is it to be allowed increasingly to degrade and destroy our environment?

20- Previously, he had stated that “very few people would sanely suggest that the Torah is part of the Old Testament sanctions violence.

21- He could not live sanely , wholly, without her; it was not enough to go to the playhouse, watch her tempting presence above him on the stage, without the least hope of possessing it.

22- In 1954 he co-authored “Living the Good Life: How to Live Simply and sanely in a Troubled World” with his second wife, Helen.

23- Under conservative laws, sanely and equitably administered, these discoveries developed by the medical profession now offer to the mentally ill, feeble-minded, and epileptic the protection of sterilization.

24- In summary, it stated that the doctors “believe that M. Donizetti no longer is capable of calculating sanely the significance of his decisions”.

25- All you need to do in the game to slice things up is to swing the iPad around a bit slowly and sanely , as the on screen sword will only have to pass through objects in order to slice them.

26- That can cut ram consumption by system daemons by nearly 50 %, if the block device is sized sensibly, ans swappiness is set sanely .

27- Usually there are about 5 -10 other projects that really need to be done before their request can be done sanely , but you have to find workarounds to make what they want work NOW and then you have to REDO it all AGAIN once the other projects are done.

28- Dr. Johnson said severely, “Every man is a rascal as soon as he is sick.” Drop the cant, and treat it sanely .

29- Like our friend Eric Rall (whom I wish would come around more often), she doesn’t let her libertarian streak get in the way of speaking sanely .

30- He began to study this idea, and he was to think later (‘When I could think sanely again,’ he said) that this was one of the things that saved his reason.

31- Judge sanely .

32- I provide the information that I do so that regardless of circumstances, people can handle things safely, sanely , and responsibly.

33- If the symbols have been abstracted so that they are structurally similar to the phenomena they stand for, and if the symbol operations are similar in structure and order to the operations of phenomena in the real world, we think sanely .

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