sandier in a sentence

Use ‘sandier’ in a sentence | ‘sandier’ example sentences

1- These tend towards being in the high heath sandier land toward Frensham.

2- Most of the plain is treeless prairie, but the sandier belts are forested.

3- Heavy clay soils tend to take longer to settle than looser, sandier soil.

4- It is characterized by warmer temperatures, lower oxygen levels, slow flow and sandier bottoms.

5- To the south the beach gets deeper and sandier until the sunbeds eventually give out.

6- The sides of the canyons, by contrast, contain exposed layers of softer, sandier rock.

7- Pefkohori beach is about 300m long, and sandier at the southern end where there is a picturesque inlet.

8- They employed several designers, among whom were A. sandier , who went on to Sevres, and W. Kimbel.

9- The beach is mainly pebble near the resort but gets much sandier as it stretches east and there are showers and sunbeds.

10- Much woodland in the High Weald again consists of coppice, in this instance sweet chestnut ( Castanea sativa ) on the sandier soils, and hornbeam ( Carpinus betula ) on the heavier soils, often grown in pure stands.

11- We hiked back to our cars, transferred gear to Mike’s car and drove it down a sandier road that put us closer to the pool.

12- It took its products to the southern USA, where lightweight machinery (in which it then specialised) was particularly suitable because soil conditions were sandier and so easier to work.

13- Tried several of the local beaches – particularly liked Paulilles, on the road to Banyuls – sheltered, good facilities, sandier than most, walks leading from it, backed by a vineyard, and the best snorkelling we found.

14- sandier soil will require the hole to be farther back (5–10 feet) than clay soil (3–5 feet).

15- Access is down a dirt track off the main road to a narrow strip of stone and shingle with just a patches of sand here and there, getting sandier beyond the headland to the south.

16- The folding and formation of the Variscan Mountain Chain had resulted in a stronger erosion and the sediments of the uppermost Westphalian and Stephanian are therefore generally sandier than the underlying Westphalian deposits.

17- He advised the abandonment of some inland holes replacing them with new holes on sandier soil towards the coast, and it’s that 1925 layout which forms the basis of today’s Old Course at Seaton Carew.

18- The vines on the lighter, sandier soils tend to ripen earlier than those on soils with higher clay content but also tend to have less powerful fruit and aging potential.

19- The sandier soils tend to reside near the slopes of the valley and provide greater drainage while the soils with more clay are located on the valley floor near Soda Lake, and have much poorer drainage.

20- These may be described both in absolute terms (particle size distribution for texture, for instance) and in terms relative to the surrounding material (i.e., “coarser” or ” sandier ” than the horizons above and below).

21- The youngest part of the London Clay, known as the “Claygate Beds” or “Claygate Member” forms a transition between the clay and the sandier Bagshot Beds above.

22- The type of soil would make a difference to the design of the motte, as clay soils could support a steeper motte, whilst sandier soils meant that a motte would need a more gentle incline.

23- Along the coast the soil is sandier and while the vegetation is still tropical, species are different than in the interior rainforest.

24- This even sandier material represents a transition between the deeper water London Clay and the succeeding shallower water, possibly estuarine, Bagshot Sand.

25- The lack of a glacial history also accounts for Maryland’s soil, which is sandier and muddier than the rocky soils farther to the north and northeast.

26- In the south and on the sandier parts, “Sida fallax”, also growing up to 2 m tall, is abundant.

27- Young birds have the brown tips to the black head feathers, a sandier brown back, and pale fringes to the upperpart and wing covert feathers.

28- General- they are as big as this room, run thewill need a large lock pipe with a big ly, the sandier it gets, the less slope ditch to the rock, let it drop down thewheel on it, and the ditch itself may you will cultivate.

29- Because the tomatoes really needed to be put out and the field out front didn’t look like it would dry for quite a while we decided to put the tomatoes in the back field which is a little sandier and drained well enough to allow us to plant.

30- In soils with more clay content it is generally in the range of 50-centibars, while in sandier soils it can be as low as 30-centibars.

31- These structures harvest rainwater for drinking, and dot the sandier tracts of the Thar Desert in western Rajasthan and some areas in Gujarat.

32- “Some blocks, which are sandier and more exposed, dry out faster.

33- “Banksia marginata” grows on a variety of soil types, from clay loams, shale and peaty loams to sandy or rocky soils composed of quartzite, sandstone, limestone or granite, although sandier soils predominate.

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